Author's Note

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Just we're on the same page, I need to be honest with you about one very important thing.

This book is not complete. I mean, it is. But not totally. What you are going to read is complete in a sense, complete enough that you can follow the story and enjoy it. But no, this book is not complete. Far from it actually.

Let me explain.

I have been working on this book for ten years. That's right. You read that right. TEN YEARS! 

(Okay, maybe it's been nine and I'm rounding up or it's really only been seven and it just FEELS like it's been ten years. Either way, it's been a really, really long time.)

I got the idea for this book watching a music documentary. In the documentary, the main subject was experiencing a very personal and emotional crisis just minutes before she had to go onstage and perform. The crew wasn't sure she was even going to be able to make it on to the stagae. But she's a professional, so even though she was crying just seconds before, she pulled herself together and put on a show.

I had two thoughts while watching this scene.

1. How did she get to such a low point?

2. What happened after the show was over?

Thus Five Years of Fame was born.

This book has gone through so many versions and reiterations. At one point I wasn't even going to write and my sister Grace was going to instead. But at the start of the new year, I was determined to finally sit down and write this book. 

(I had written a first draft in 2017 but only got fourteen chapters in when I realized I had no idea what actually happened plot-wise.)

So I started to write. I started with the scenes I had seen for years, scenes I had been dying to write ever since coming up with this idea. And I went from there. More scenes popped up, I wrote those. But over the course of six weeks I had almost forty scenes and I was starting to run dry. I could feel myself coming to the end.

At the time, my writing was taking me in a very different direction and I decided to follow that path instead, setting this project aside. But before I put it on the shelf for good, I wanted to give this book a chance to shine.

This story is in fact the oldest in the Girl Power Galaxy. No joke. Older than Lennon and Kade from A Second Chance. Older than Amelia and Sebastian from Every Second.

So here it is, complete (enough, at least for now). I believe you get a sense of the story without me spelling out every single scene for the entire five year time span. I didn't want to write filler chapters. They're boring to write and even more boring to read. If you've read my book, 'I'll See You Soon', this book follows more of that format but with a little bit more structure. (And if you haven't read that book, you really should go check it out.)

AND, since this is such an old-school Girl Power Galaxy book, I threw in as many GPG references as I could. See if you can spot them.

So, without further a do, please enjoy Five Years of Fame.

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