35. An Honest Opinion

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Winter, Year 4, Month 2

It was a trip Reeve had to take alone. She knew that the second she realized she had to go. It had to be alone. It was still dark out when she left her house. Dani was still asleep, letting out small whiffling snores that passed under her door and floated out into the hallway as Reeve tiptoed past.

She waved to Kelly where she was already dressed, drinking a cup of coffee and talking to someone on the phone, seated at her desk. Kelly nodded goodbye as Reeve slipped past.

She even drove herself to the airport. It was a small commuter airport on the outskirts of the city but still, it was a first for Reeve. There was no one there to see her off.

Kelly had found her a commuter flight that flew from Boston to Ashville, North Carolina, twice a day, as some big paper supply company had a flagship warehouse in both cities. Reeve was the only person out of the twelve passengers not in a business suit. She didn't need to worry about being recognized among her fellow travelers as most of them never looked up from their phones or laptops, their commute counting as working hours.

A black SUV was waiting for Reeve when she landed and her driver nodded a good morning as he held the door open for her. Reeve was traveling light. She had only her bag to hold the precious cargo and she had kept it tight to her chest the whole flight and even when seated in the car as they pulled away from the airport.

They drove towards the mountains. The dirty snow Reeve had left behind was clean and bright white, shining even underneath a sky of silver clouds, threatening more snow. The snow piles along the road rose as they ascended the mountain. They found civilization again passing through a two-block long downtown filled with people in hiking boots and beanies, most men with beards and all with cups of coffee in their hands. Watching the people as they passed by, Reeve saw Wes in every one of them, the same pea coats, the same stylish haircuts.

They left the town behind as they kept moving up the mountain, finally reaching their destination forty-five minutes out of town. Wes was standing outside, with a cup of coffee, waiting for them. He approached as Reeve climbed out of the car and said a "See you later" to the driver.

"Hey, kid. Been a while."

Reeve accepted his one-armed hug and breathed in his scent of fresh air and pine trees.

"You've got a beard."

The scruff on Wes's chin tickled Reeve's cheek as she pulled away from his embrace. Wes raised a hand as if to make sure the hair was still there.

"Yeah. I do. Been working on it. It's good to see you, Liv. It's been too long."

Reeve took a long deep breath of fresh mountain air, nodding in agreement to his statement. Wes's hand lay heavy on her shoulder. She forced herself to meet his eye as he inspected the changes he could read in her face as if in that one long stare he was caught up on everything that had happened since they had last seen each other.

Reeve saw the changes every time she looked in the mirror. The last time Wes had seen her, she hadn't realized just how tough life could get when it wanted to. She was sure every sleepless night was written on her face.

Wes broke eye contact by moving towards the house, motioning her to follow.

"Come on in. Reagan and the kids can't wait to see you."

Wes held the large wooden front door open as Reeve stepped out of the cold winter air and stepped into the biggest wood cabin she had ever seen. Wes called out from behind her as he closed the door, "Look who's here!"

Reagan appeared from the kitchen at the far end of what was surely their family room, passing a large fireplace burning fierce in the middle of the room.

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