After Louis sat in his room for a good three hours, he got up. Picking up the worn-down journal, he decided to actually go outside.
Once he stepped out the door, he realized three very important things.
One, he wasn't wearing pants.
Two, it was Wednesday afternoon, and he missed school, without even noticing.
Three, where the hell was his mom? Shouldn't she be mad about that?
Louis blushed, running back inside and putting on his dull blue jeans. He smiled, looking down at the hole in the knee of his favorite jeans. "I look dangerous" Louis giggled, feeling satisfied with his appearance. He decided to maintain the new "dark" side of him by going to the local coffee shop.
Louis tripped three times on the way to the coffee shop, of course. He couldn't help but stumble over his own feet. Louis was a clumsy-ass boy.
He sighed, picking himself up off the concrete. He hated being himself sometimes. Well, most of the time.
When He arrived, he smiled at the calm atmosphore the coffee shop provided. Everyone was relatively quiet, content, and kind.
"Hi, what can I get for you today?" A dark haired lady, asked. Her nametag read Aleah. Hmm, she seemed about Louis' age.
He couldn't help but blush. "Umm, coffee? I don't really know much about it, what kind should I get?" Louis asked quietly, almost to himself.
Aleah laughed. "Would you like a mocha? It's like an adult version of hot chocolate. It tastes good, but it still makes you feel cool." She said happily. If only Louis could talk like that with strangers so easily.
What about Harry? Harry isn't a stranger, he's different
"Um, s-sure! That sounds nice. Just like, a small one, please."
"You mean a tall? That's the smallest size we have. Heh." She said, before realizing how awkward she sounded. They both blushed. Maybe she was a bit weird after all. That made Louis feel a bit better about himself."Yeah, I'd like that. Um, when is your break? I'd like to... hang out with you?" Louis stated/asked, he didn't really know anymore.
"In ten minutes, actually. I'd love to hang out with you." Aleah smiled.
Louis sat down on one of the couches. He pulled out his iPhone, looking up how to be punk rock on Google. Maybe if he were cooler, he'd like himself more.
The webpage loaded.
Well, that was it. He was getting a lip piercing. After he finished his mocha, of course.
A few minutes later, Aleah sat next to him handing him his drink. "You didn't pay for that, you know." She pointed out.
Louis nearly spat out the drink. He didn't realize that. He didn't even have any freaking money with him.
"OH my god I'm so so so so so sorry I didn't even bring my money! What was I thinking, you know what I'll call my mom and-"
"YOU CAN HAVE IT DON'T WORRY JESUS" Aleah yelled, cutting him off.
They were both silent for a second, and then began laughing their asses off. People began to stare at them, wondering if they needed to be put in a mental asylum. They probably did need that, but whatever.
Louis was beyond happy. He'd made friends, friends as in more than ONE friend omg, and that never happened. Not to Him. Maybe things were looking better for him, after all.
Little did he know the one and only Harry Styles 😏 was glaring at the two from across the coffee shop. Pure jealousy flowed through his veins. He wanted to be the one making Louis happy, not some pretty girl. Louis was bootiful, so full of booty.
However, his rage suddenly turned to panic as he noticed Louis' number was back at zero.
When He left that morning, it had been at one. What happened?
Aleah left, and Louis smiled as he looked down at the new contact in his phone.
When he looked up, he saw Harry running over to him.
"Harry? What do you want?" Louis snapped, wanting to have some space away from him for once.
"I, uh, well.."
"Please leave me alone. I'm about to go get a lip piercing."
"Well, can I come too?"
And that's why they were sat outside a tattoo shop groaning in pain
"My lip is sore, Harry." Louis complained, touching his lip ring and whimpering.
"Yeah? Well my eyebrow is sore, shut up."
"I still can't believe you got an eyebrow piercing, Harry. Why did you even do that?"
He shrugged.
Louis got up, dusting off his jeans. "I'm going home, now. Bye." He waved, quickly walking away.
It wasn't until then that Harry realized Louis left something behind. A journal.
You don't know self control until the only boy who actually makes you smile leaves a journal full of secrets on the sidewalk, and you don't look through it.
Harry couldn't do that to him.
He couldn't risk losing Louis.Louis made him forget everything. His insecurities, problems, school...
Fuck. He missed school.
Well he would usually skip it anyways.
Harry laughed out loud. Louis was going to be the death of him.
Harry spent the whole night with the journal on the other pillow, dreaming of what could be written inside.
Sorry this chapter is so short.
Anyways, what do you think is in the journal? for real doe?