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"All Might." Katsuki sat across the retired hero in a secluded cafe. He eyed a third glass of water as he debated mentioning seeing him at the end of his case.
"You made it here rather quickly, young Bakugo."
Before Katsuki could respond or decide, an unexpected voice pierced his debate from his side.
Sharp red eyes whipped til they found big green ones. Wha-? Why?


Eijiro had an apartment viewing that finally went well. It was a sort of sublet, where someone who was going to be away for a few months was going to rent out their spare room for the time.
Aki, who Eijiro had likened to that Monoma guy, Neito, both had a copying quirk and similar looks, though Aki was a bit shorter and slimmer.. his blonde with a touch of strawberry. I hope they're not related.
Eijiro liked the location and layout of the apartment. For being a quick fix, I'll be able to look again soon with less of a rush.

"You can call me Aki." they were becoming fast friends. "Oh.. 'kay, Aki, where will you be heading off to?" Eijiro managed between chomps of meat.
"I enrolled in a program in Frankfurt, Germany."
"Whoa, that is cool." Eijiro wiped sauce off his face and sighed happily, "Oh man, I'm so lucky this all works out.."
Aki wasn't leaving for another week and offered for Eijiro to bring his stuff in already. This way, they could cohabitate for a bit and get more comfortable with the idea of everything before Aki left.
"I'm the lucky one, juggling two rents while abroad was going to be a hassle.. and if you don't mind tending to the plants on the balcony, even better."
Aki held an easy smile. He chuckled as Eijiro nodded and stuffed his face at the same time. They were celebrating their cooperation and Aki was treating and Eijiro did not hold back.
"Did you skip breakfast?"
Eijiro looked sheepish til he remembered Katsuki suggesting breakfast just hours before.
"I've packed up the kitchen already so I've been eating out a lot. I've been trying to be better about what I'm ordering.. and then this morning I was just.. occupied before I got to you."
Got to me. "Ah." Aki felt the temperature drop in conversation, yet his cheeks felt warm.
"Hah, is the food too spicy for ya?" Eijiro teased to pick up the mood.
"Wha-? Oh.. No, it's not-" Aki palmed his cheeks.
Eijiro wanted to tease him some more. "So uh.. is there anyone who I should or shouldn't be opening the door to? An old or new girlfriend.. or..?"
Aki bounced back, "Oh, maybe a crazed ex or two. Oh, and watch out for the loan sharks.. they're the real reason I'm skipping town."
  Aki couldn't keep a straight face as he picked up his tray and left to sort it out at the bin. Eijiro was left chuckling behind, He avoided saying girlfriend.


"So that's what happened."
Kacchan learned of Izuku's take on things in California. Izuku had confided in All Might for guidance.
  "Why.. am I here?"
"Ah, that's.."
"You know I saw you." Katsuki directed to All Might.
"And that's related how?"
"I read your case notes, remember the man at the station.. how he didn't seem to show any signs of symptoms?"


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