the future

97 4 0

Kongpob - 40

Arthit - 43

Layla - 20

(A) hey aim

(M) hey guys so where's my son?

(I) me dad?

(M) well yes you but your brother I hear layla is expecting a baby

(K) yeah our little girls grown up and pregnant with her second baby

(N) hey mom dad and father in laws

(Ma) son you made it

(Y) grandpa's

(K) hey ying it's great to see you

(L) hey dad's

(K) how are you doing Layla?

(L) I'm great this baby will be delivered around November

(A) wonderful that's in a month from now

(L) where's Jesse, tharn and Vince?

(K) they should be here by now I don't know what's keeping ur siblings busy

(L) well we have all day to see them

(A) I'll call Vince and check to see what they are doing

(L) alright hey honey

(N) yes

(L) I need to sit down

(K) here let me walk you to the couch you can rest

(L) thanks dad

(K) were always here to help

(Y) hey momma where's daddy?

(L) he might be upstairs with grandma and uncle

(Y) grandpa can I go upstairs?

(K) yeah go on up sweetie

(Y) daddy where are you?

(N) hey babe how are you feeling?

(L) tired I need to rest

(K) neko ying went upstairs to look for you so you might wanna run up and get her

(I) I'll got her

(L) thanks ivan

(A) so your brother's and sister were caught up with after school stuff they should be home soon

(L) alright

(Y) dada

(N) hey sweetie

(Y) can we play with grandpa's and grandma?

(N) maybe later how about you help me set up food for mommy

(Y) yum yum

(K) hey may so where's boun and ryu?

(Ma) I think they are with Vince, tharn and jesse at school still since they all go to the same one

(K) yeah

(V) dad's were home

(A) hey kids and boun and ryu

(B) where's our mom and dad?

(A) upstairs your brother is in the kitchen with your niece

(R) alright *walks upstairs* hey mom

(Ma) hey you guys made it

(B) yeah

(K) are my kids down stairs?

(R) yeah there all gathered down there

(K) ok *walks downstairs* jesse

(J) hey dad so I saw ying where's layla?

(K) you walked past her your brother is sitting by her on the couch

(J) oh I didn't look at the couch hey big sis

(L) hey guys so how has school been treating you?

(V) I hate my senior

(L) dad hated his but then fell in love with him

(T) that's true but I'm surprised I'm not your senior Vince since I'm 18 your 16

(V) I don't know how your not

(J) probably because your brother's they don't put siblings together in engineering

(L) sis is right since she's a third year to

(V) and I'm the youngest unless dads add more of us in the family

(K) who knows we might were only in our fourtys

(L) none of you are married yet since I'm the only one with kids

(I) well there are my siblings you guys would date

(J) you have two younger brothers our age but I'm the only girl unless one of them go gay

(R) well I am the only gay one out of the three of us

(B) yeah since we know we're straight as well as neko since he's married

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