Year 3

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~I'm skipping the 3rd year cause I don't want it to be too long but ima give you a recap~
So during the 3rd year of coarse the thing happned with the prisoner of azakban.. it was crazy but during that time Ron and omie got really close and Hermonie kinda felt like she wasn't there half of the time because she was isolating herself.

Cedric asked maya to prom and Ron asked omie to prom... odalys and Harry have been getting kinda flirty scince she took care of him from the chamber of secrets... and he asked her to prom. And for me me and malfoy still hate each other...but sometimes he can show his soft side of himself and.. hehe I like his hair... AND I MIGHT BE IN LOVE WITH him... but I don't think he feels the same way about me ... I know he's been really rude and mean and a bully but I can feel like he can change.. ANYWAYS I went to prom with some guy I don't rembere his name.. and malfoy couldn't keep his eyes off me he also put a FROG ON MY PUNCH and I punched him :)

and we had a really good time at prom AND GUESS What Cedric took mya took the hogwarts garden and they had their first kiss THERE under the cherry tree :) there not dating... but there friends with benefits

And after prom we all passed are exams and the whole group hanged out everyday at the field , we also saw Harry's game of quidditch and he won! It was super cool and after that me and malfoy kept going on missions and he kept annoying me in them...

ANYWAYS it's the 4 year now... and this is where things get interesting

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