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Logan walks down the hall to his locker seeing you and your bffs "wow she has so many friends" but then he glanced over to see your boyfriend Elijah and his friend Derek "I don't understand these feelings but I don't like them at all"

Y/n POV:
I had returned A couple glances from Logan we were close in preschool but our social lives were different. our personalities counted on our social status and we drifted away in time.

"Hey Logan"you walked up to  him

Logan blushed a little* ah yes y/n l/n (last name) what are you doing here

Well I-
Lemme guess you want your homework done Logan had instantly regretted what he said he knew that you were above the class like him it was something stupid for him to say to a person with such grades like him

No! I jus-

She was just being such a nice person Elijah said while hugging you from behind "so Logan I mean nerd what are YOU doing with the perfect princess?"

I'm talking to her

Ha! You?!? Come on Beaty don't be late!
Ok! I'm so sorry Logan

It's quit ok but we need to go to class I will NOT be late

Wow ok Logan I'm coming!

—this was longer then Usual hope you enjoyed it.



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