Chapter Twelve

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Cole sat with the other ninja at the study table, watching as Nya and Wu explained to them the best way to defeat Craglings.

Cole couldn't help feeling bored, as he always had, during the classes.

"If you can hit them hard enough," Wu was saying, "they can be destroyed instantly."

Nya nodded. "Now, we need to talk about where they might have taken the Armor."

"The Dark Island is the most logical place, seeing as that was where the densest population of warriors was." Wu told them. "The only problem is that they'd likely be expecting us. We have to be at our best before we attempt infiltration."

"But we have to get there as quickly as possible, before they use the Golden Armor," Jay protested.

"Destiny said it was in a box," Wu answered. "Borg confirmed that this was an extra protection measure. It will take them a few days to be able to open the box, so we have some time to prepare. We'll leave for the island in two days. In the meantime, go and train. Sharpen your skills as much as possible." He turned away, and Cole knew that the ninja were dismissed.

He jumped up and followed the others towards the training yard. When they emerged, he was slightly startled to see Destiny sitting on a bench. He walked over to her, gently asking, "Feeling better already?"

Destiny looked up, seeming startled. She had her knife and a rock in her hands. "Yes, my father gave me this tea that helps mend your wounds, so I used it, and it's helping."

Cole nodded, smiling at her. "We're heading to the Dark Island in two days. Wu wanted us to train until we head off. If you wanted, I could help you. Or if you want to sit out today, you could watch me beat the other guys."

"Or you can watch me beat you." Destiny said, giving a smile.

He tilted his head with a mischievous grin. "You're on."

She stood up, and Cole backed away, checking that the other ninja weren't sparring or training too closely to them. Then he returned his gaze to Destiny, lifting his fists. He felt the familiar hum of the earth underneath his feet and smiled to himself. I'm so glad I have control of my powers again. He watched as Destiny got into a battle stance. A few seconds later, she sprinted towards him, faster than he would have expected of someone who was injured. He felt his eyes widen as her leg lifted, and he caught her foot in his hands. After barely a moment, he pushed it upwards. She started to fall and arched backwards, following through with a handstand to land neatly back on her feet. He was surprised at her agility, and he stomped, sending a semi-circle of rock spires up behind her. After they were in place, he rushed at her. When he got to her, he expected to hit her, but he passed right through her and crashed through one of his spikes. He stumbled slightly, attempting to correct his footing when he felt a heavy weight pushing suddenly against his back, and he found himself falling forward. He quickly ducked into a roll and stood back onto his feet, turning quickly and throwing a blast of dirt into the air around Destiny. He rushed into the cloud, aiming a punch at her stomach before hesitating. The dust was clearing quickly, and he grabbed her shoulders, pushing her without much effort. She fell onto her knees, and Cole increased the pressure to get her down the rest of the way. Suddenly, he felt nothing beneath his hands, and he fell down to the ground, landing hard on his stomach. He puffed and rolled onto his back, watching breathlessly as Destiny stood over him with a smile.

When he'd gotten his breath back, he said, "Have I told you that you look beautiful yet today?"

"Did I tell you I would beat you?" She replied with a laugh.

"That you did," he admitted. "You just got lucky. I was distracted by the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

"You're probably right. But I don't know what girl you could be talking about." Destiny said, holding her hand out.

Cole's Destiny ||  Ninjago - Destiny Awaits Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now