Taennie (Fluff)

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      The majestic golden sunlight filtered in to the room through the windows, shining on the mattress graced with gold and burgundy velvet covers, scrunched up ever so delicately. Taehyung stirred, slowly opened his eyes and looking around, rubbing his eyes, a habit of sorts since young. Trying to move his hand, he noticed that Jennie, his one true love of 5 years, was curled up into a pitiful ball in his arms, silent tears flowing down her pale, round cheeks while she clutched the sheets so tight it looked like it hurt.

    "Oh Jagi..." Taehyung murmured, a slight tremble in his baritone voice, the rumble flowing through his body. He felt terrible she had to go through this every single day, always waking up to Jennie shuddering and trying to soothe her, and felt even more terrible knowing he couldn't do anything except console her. This was ever so frustrating for his protective, loving personality. His heart swelled and ached, acting as an unnecessary weight where it inhabited in his body.He gently removed the covers, pulling her deeper into his arms, fingers curling into her hair to softly play with it in a way most would perceive comforting.

     "It's okay baby... I'm here with you..." Taehyung said softly, almost as if it caused him physical pain to say it out loud, tears filling up in his eyes and heart clenching violently from Jennie's sobs. Jennie curled into him, fists holding a death grip in his shirt. Her sobbing got louder, her entire body shaking while Taehyung simply refused to let go of her, love rendering him speechless.

     Gradually, her cries slowed down and all that were left were soft hiccups. "Feeling better now?" he said softly in her ear, a teary smile gracing his perfect features. He tried his best to have grip of his emotions and wished that it just was so easy.

      Wiping away her tears, "Bitch, when the hell was I ever not okay?" she said, placing her hands on her hips, puckering up her lips. Both of them burst out laughing, what happened merely milliseconds ago erased from history, as Taehyung placed a chaste kiss on her plump, pink lips.

      Taehyung pulled her closer once again, sighing against her soft hair, her ears pressed to his heart. He wound his fingers through her hair, hoping to ease away the pain she carried around in her heart.

     "Why are you crying Taehyung-ah?" Jennie said, the rumble of her voice blooming in his chest. He sighed quite heavily, permitting his eyes to close for maybe just a few seconds.

Why was he crying? Because he knows what it is like to see someone hurt and not do anything. He knows what it's like to want to hold on but everything slips away. He knows what it's like to lose someone with no explanation, only to have them barge back in their lives. He knows what a fickle thing love can be, and he knows that love isn't just about admiring their features. Love... Love is the basic understanding, a kind of give-and-take relationship he thought.

But that was before Jennie. Taehyung looked down at Jennie, whose beautiful face was framed by her soft, wispy hair, her pouty lips a natural red and so so soft. Her cheeks were always pink and her smile, oh god- He could stare into her eyes forever, just like how he was doing now, as his fingers traced over her nose, eyes, mouth, everything.

"I don't know, Jagi... It hurts me to see you so hurt and I get so mad at myself that I can't do anything but watch you suffer then console you... I just wish there was some way I could help you get rid of this pain that has held you captive for so long... I just want you to be happy jagiya, but why does such a pretty thing like you have to suffer so badly hm? " He rambled, a new coat of tears ready to cascade down his cheeks.

Jennie looked up at the love of her life with such awe and pride. Her heart swelled up with love, affection overflowing and ebbing in her heart. She felt butterflies fluttering around in her tummy, something she had always felt around Taehyung. She cradled his face with her shaky hands, begging herself to please don't cry. She let put a even shaking breath, pulling him closer to her, if that was really possible.

She delicately placed a kiss on each of his cheeks, drying his tears with her hand. He placed her forehead against his and ran her fingers through his hair. Jennie looked at Taehyung with such love and adoration in her eyes, it was really clear to see she was in love.

Taehyung smiled at the sudden fondness that was swelling in his heart. It warmed him to the tips of his fingers. Glancing outside, he saw the the cloudless blue sky.

"Hey, get up. I need to show you something," He said, bouncing off the bed and into the bathroom while Jennie went into the living room.

"Taehyung what is it?" Jennie asked with a pout on her face, clear impatience strikingly noticeable in her husky voice. "Trust me, you're going to love it baby," He said, simply smiling his signature box smile at her. Jennie impatiently tapped her fingersnails on the car window.

"Okay we're here!" Taehyung grinned at her, taking her hand and pulling her put once he had gotten out of the car. Intertwining their fingers, his heart never failed to stutter and trip when he realised how perfectly her fingers filled the gaps in his hand and heart. He dragged her across the field and on to a jutting rock. Sitting down and dangling his legs over the edge of the rock, he asked Jennie to do the same.

As soon as Jennie got comfortable, she realised as to why he brought them here; the sun was setting and there were no city lights and cars honking. It was purely tranquil, a calm quietness filling the area to the brim. Dandelions and daffodils graced the bright green grass they were surrounded with and, not too far away, a meadow of sunflowers, bluebells and roses coloured in the picture. The stars were slowly appearing as the sky acted as a canvas, shades of blue, purple, coral and orange bleeding into one another.

Taehyung turned to catch Jennie's reaction but was astounded when his angel of a girlfriend was decorated with the sun's beautiful rays, The Eye-catching light highlighting every minute features of her face, which he firmly believed was sculpted by the gods. Hell, every inch of her was absolutely amazing. He could bury himself in every nook and cranny of her body and spend hours and hours memorising the planes and dips and curves of her face. He brought up his hand to her cheek, tracing it ever so lightly.

"How did you become mine...?" His voice came out, barely a Whisper.

Jennie smiled, clutching his cold hand in hers, her eyes filling up with the twinkle the boy was so very used to.

"I've loved you since the day I saw you, Taehyung-ah..." she whispered onto his lips, just mere inches between them. Pulling him in by the collar, they both drank in the presence of each other, kissing and holding each other, vows and promises of eternity filled in the air and both of their love-swelled hearts.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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