but if you wait around awhile

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hiii!! this is my very first ever fanfic so if it feels a bit rushed, that's because it probably is. i've been wanting to write this since gigi's video came out, and i've finally gotten it to the point where i'e edited it so much it doesn't resemble the original writing at all, so maybe that's a plus? i don't know, but i hope it's not boring! it's kinda long for a single chapter so i'm sorry :/ also also!! i know gigi doesn't have freckles, so just pretend she does. but ummi like talking to people about these things so please leave me a comment!! anyway anyway hope u enjoy it! 

Gigi slid her gloss over her bottom lip, smacking them together as she took in her final appearance. Her dress looked lovely, her hair was teased as high as she could get it, and she had placed a matching bow right on the part of her hair. She capped her gloss and turned off her lamp, checking her reflection one last time in the mirror before she left her room, traveling down the stairs at an astounding speed.

"Gigi Goode, you had better not be running in my house!" her mother called from the kitchen.
Gigi smiled, but quickly hid it as she made her way over to the older woman. Her mother gave her a small glare before covering it up, smiling. "Oh, honey, you look beautiful."

Gigi beamed at her mother, blushing the tiniest bit at her words. "Thank you, Momma. I'm ready to go, so I'll see you when it's over if I don't sleep over at Jaida's," she smiled, trying to escape the house as quickly as possible.

"Not so fast young lady, you need to take your inhaler with you," her mother pressed the small device into Gigi's hand as she sighed dramatically. "Now don't you get all huffy and puffy with me. Imagine what would happen if you left without it!" her mother shouted, flailing her arms in an attempt to show the absurdity of her idea.

"I don't have anywhere to put it, Momma. I don't have a purse or pockets or-"

"You can take it in your hand and leave it in the locker, baby," her mother directed, taking hold of both of Gigi's hands, spreading her arms so she could give her one more look. "Now go have fun with your friends."

Gigi smiled at her mother, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before practically sprinting out the door. "I'll try! Love you!" she called as the door swung shut.

Gigi's friends were really wonderful people. Jaida and Nicky were the most popular juniors at school and they still spent all their time with Gigi. She was so grateful for them. The thing was, Gigi was never unpopular so much as she didn't stand out amongst her group of friends. Perhaps it was the fact that she didn't care too much for the male attention to chase after it, or just that her friends were so much more extroverted and made it to every party that occurred at every house no matter how big or small. But Gigi wasn't particularly upset at the fact that the boys at her school never asked her to dance or that she was always third wheeling with her friends and their attempts at reaching higher on the social ladder; she was very content in gliding through high school as the girl who was friends with the popular girls.

Jaida stood out in front of the dance hall, a large tux jacket draped over her shoulders, staring out into the distance. Gigi quickly made her way over to her friend, hugging her lightly so as not to wrinkle either of their dresses. "Girl! You look so damn good tonight!" Jaida practically shouted, her voice proving to Gigi how excited she was about tonight.

"Me?" she cried, pulling the tux out of the way to get a better look at Jaida's dress. "Jay, you look so so stunning I can't believe it! Actually, I can. You always look like you came straight from a magazine," she sighed, smiling at her friend so much it started to hurt her face.

"Oh, shut up. Nicky and the boys are waiting for us inside and I'm freezing so let's get your skinny little booty in there!" her friend shouted, cackling as they walked into the building, hot air smacking them in the face at the entrance. They walked over to the edge of the dance floor, meeting NIcky, Nicky's boyfriend, and Jaida's boyfriend. Gigi and Nicky exchanged greetings similar to the ones shared between Jaida and herself earlier.

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