Chapter 1

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Warring States Period, Years lasting 1467-1603

As a little girl growing up during the time period of the Warring States, I never knew where faith would lead me. I always assumed it would be immediate death since my Clans members constantly fought with every other clan that accidentally stepped onto our territory. It was scary. We were forced to be the spies for our elders, we were pushed into war with the belief that everyone was our enemy, we were the sacrifice to our clans "betterment". Innocent little kids, not even entering their teen years, slaughtered on sight. Mother's crying at funerals broken hearted saying nonsense things like 'It wasn't supposed to be him!'. I never paid attention to it, I always pushed it aside. My family always came back home. My two big brothers Tobi and Kit. The strongest in the Miyu Kitsune Clan, God like for our time period. As long as they came back to me, everything was okay. The adults all filled with hatred and sadness, I ignored all the rants, all the speeches. They knew what was going to happen. If they wanted their children to live, they should've stopped before anything got worse. But that was never going to happen.

"Tobi!", I called out looking around the huge woods area. I had played with a rabbit I found, only being twelve of age, and wandered off mindlessly from my Clan's territory. I hardly ever left my mother's side, being a house wife in training for when I was of the legal age of sixteen at that time period. Why the adults marry us women off to men with power at such a young age, I will never understand. I always did feel that us woman were made for greater things than just staying home and taking care of the house. I much rather be a medic ninja on the battlefield to save our clansmen, but mother and father always refused.

I walked around for a while starting to feel worried, I knew how to use certain types of jutsus and hand signs, but in this time period, it wouldn't last me long. I'd be dead in an instant. "Tobi! Kit!", I called out to my elder brothers hoping they were around. People from the three branches of kitsune clans always had excellent hearing, I had hoped for someone to be around whether it was my pure blood, or distant blood line. 

"Hello-?", I called out but stopped hearing a branch crack behind me. My ears twitched alarmed feeling a high amount of chakara. It all happened too fast for me to react, but I was knocked down to the dirty path I was on. It was a young boy, the same age as me, it looked like. He wore battle armor, his guard was up, and he looked angry. "Who are you?", the boy asked me, holding up a kunai to my throat. His foot weighed heavy on my chest so I wouldn't try anything. My eyes widened figuring if I answered or not I was still dead. Biting down on my tongue, I shut my eyes and looked away waiting for the final blow.

I could hear the boy sigh softly to himself as the weight on my chest lifted off me. "Yeah, you're definitely not a spy.", he said in a calm voice as his weapon was put away. I just laid there, not opening my eyes, not trusting anything. "You can open your eyes, I don't want to kill you, but the adults might if they see you.", he said to me. I still didn't move, causing the boy to groan annoyed. "Hey come on! Playing dead won't save you if you're in a real fight! Anyone else would've killed you on sight!", he shouted at me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the boy to get a more clear look at who he was. He looked down at me and gave a calm reassuring smile, holding out his hand to help me up. "Although a man should never put their hands on a lady. I should have assumed off the bat that you was not a spy. The adults made me come to check it out, I apologize.", he said.

My eyes locked in with his as I took his hand and was helped up. The sun was bright today and shone down on the boy through the tall trees, giving off a very vibrant sparkle that matched his smile. His grip on my hand was gentle, his guard was down only a little bit. My heart skipped a beat in my chest, that was a first for me.

"So kid, what are you doing here on my Clan's territory? You spooked a lot of the elders back at my home.", he said crossing his arms over his chest. I noticed how semi strong was he, as he grew into a man, I was sure he'd become a Shinobi to fear. I kept silent not sure if I should answer to someone I didn't know. One wrong move will cost me my life, I wanted to see my brothers again.

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