When you come out of storm, you won't be the same person who walked in.
That's all storm is about.Your value is not determined by how others have treated you.
You decide your own value.
RandomA Bσσκ ʄίɭɭεδ ωίτɧ ίηʂρίɾατίσηαɭ qμστεʂ αηδ τɧσμɠɧτʂ. Nενεɾ ʄεεɭ δσωη. Aʂ ί αɭωαγʂ ʂαγ, Yσμ Aɾε Uηίqμε Iη Yσμɾ Oωη ωαγ!! Nστε: Tακε τɧε qμστεʂ ʂεɾίσμʂɭγ.
When you come out of storm, you won't be the same person who walked in.
That's all storm is about.Your value is not determined by how others have treated you.
You decide your own value.