Chapter 17

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"What?! What do you mean I'll give the speech?" I shouted as I threw my arms across the air for added emphasis. Mr. Lowes, our vice dean was just looking at me with sorry eyes that I won't fall for. 

"Lisa Cheng can't make it, she got the chicken pox." He stated with the look of concern.

I stepped backward. "Why me? Heck, I am not even in the honors class!" I sternly said. You see, being average comes with average grades. 

He scratched his head and tried not to make eye contact with me. "Well you see, the others who are qualified to be a validictorian got the chickenpox too since they are friends with Ms. Cheng. And besides, you have the highest and most consistent grade in english class." 

I was furious. I looked behind him and saw about a hundred people taking their seats. Singing in front of people was one thing, but giving out an impromptu validictorian speech was another. I felt like Lizzie McGuirre since she was in the same situation as I am, and she managed to screw up their graduation, big time. I haven't made my mark in this school, and I do not want "the girl who ruined graduation" to be my mark.

"You just have to say what you love about high school, and maybe thank some people too." Mr. Lowes said, bringing me out of my train of thoughts.

I gripped tight on my graduation pamphlet and then closed my eyes and took a deep breath before saying, "Okay Mr. Lowes." 

I think I managed to make his day for the first time in my whole stay in this school. 


I was frantically pacing back and forth backstage trying to make up some things to say. I even had a small notebook and pen in hand, but so far all I had was "Die Mr. Lowes, die." and I don't think that the parents would be too happy about that. 

Just then I heard someone whistling was approaching. I turned around and saw that Harry was walking towards the bathroom with his hands in his pocket and innocently looking around the gymnasium. He stopped at this tracks when he spotted me. 

"Hey Audrey, what are you doing backstage?" He asked making his way towards me.

I sighed. "Oh, just preparing myself for public humiliation." 

He looked confused. "What are you talking about?" 

I leaned on the wall and slumped a bit. I looked up as I was exauhsted to think. "The validectorian got the chickenpox, and so did her other genius friends. They appointed me to give the speech." 

He looked a bit shocked but then he quickly gave me a big smile. His hand reached up my shoulders and then was slowly sliding down my arms until it reached my hand. I looked at our hands, him holding mine in the most gentle yet protective way. I then looked straight at him.

"You are going to do great, okay?" He said. 

I was not to convinced as I just gruneted and looked away. He then caught my face with his hands and moved my face so I was facing him. Everytime I look at Harry, it reminds me of how lucky I am. How lucky I am to have met a funny, caring and sweet guy. He was one of the reasons why I am thankful to how life played out. 

"Audrey Brooks, everything you say is captivating. You are captivating. That's why I know you'll do great." He said with the last word trailing a bit. He looked down and I saw his mouth twitching a bit like he wants to say something else. 

I can feel butterflies in my stomach. "Thank you Harry, for always being there in my most vulnerable moments." 

He then pulled out something from his pockets. I grinned like a crazy fool. 

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