Chapter 13

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I could hear the sound of light breathing above me, I turned my head up to see Kylo was still here. My heart fluttered as I watched him sleep, he looked beautiful. When I saw him start to stir awake, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep still. "I know your awake princess." I heard his deep chuckle.

"You stayed." I slightly smiled up to Kylo, he studied my face for a moment. He slipped out of bed and began to dress himself.

"Come on we have meetings to go to."

"We?" I sat up, confused.

"Yeah, your my Empress right? We both have meetings." Kylo walked off to my bathroom and left me alone to change. I giggled to myself and searched through my many dresses. I decided on a simple long black one with long sleeves. The only problem was the neckline because it cut all the way down to the middle of my stomach in a V. But I didn't care. I looked amazing.

I had to put some makeup on, I did my usual look and added some cute heels. Kylo walked out and shoved his mask on, I made sure to shut and lock my door before leaving. I was holding onto his arm as we made our way around the ship, we stopped in a large meeting room filled with many different people. I noticed that Chris was here. I still get a weird feeling with him.

"Oh, good morning Empress. It's lovely to see you." Hux looked over to me surprised. I bowed my head and smiled as I sat next to Kylo.

The entire meeting was boring, all they talked about was the Resistance. "Y/N, Phasma will lead your troops on Naboo. We will search out any allies of the Resistance."

"Yeah no. I always go with my troops." I cross my arms over my chest, to stop the staring.

"No. Remember what happened last time." Hux said smirking.

"I didn't see you out there fighting. Out there dying with your people!" I stood up, the metal chair scraping against the floor.

"Your too weak, your job is to stay here and please him." Hux points to Kylo, the others around us chuckle.

"How dare you! You can't even fight, your too much of a coward. You hide behind him, I have fought many battles. So since this one was my first loss, I am weak?" I held my hand up and started to force choke Hux. He was lifted in the air, hands clawing at his neck.

I started to feel great power from within me rising, it felt good. Hux dropped as Kylo pushed me aside, I noticed everyone else was backed against the wall. They looked terrified. "Come on." Kylo pushes me out of the room.

I was being dragged down the hall and into his study, Kylo slammed the doors and turned to face me. I jumped as he threw his mask near my head. "Why would you do that?" His said angrily.

"Why? Kylo he was disrespecting me! He's a coward and he needs to see that!" I yell.

"You almost killed him! You embarrassed me!" He screamed.

"So you think it's okay for them to call me weak? Do you agree with him? That all I'm good for is pleasing you?"

"You are weak! You never should of gone that day! Look at you, your a mess. Your still dealing with it!" Kylo yells. His words cut my heart, I step back and shake my head.

"Your an asshole. I don't know why I even started to like you, or tried to understand you." As I tried to walk past him, he grabbed me. Kylo pushes me up against the wall and held his hand firmly on my neck. When I couldn't breathe, I screamed. Kylo went flying back and crashed against the book shelf.

I wiped my tears and ran out of the room, on my way to my quarters I slammed against someone. Of course it had to be Chris. "Get out of my way Chris." I looked away, tears falling.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Please get out of my way." I say again. He steps aside and watches me hurry to my quarters. I slam and lock the door and sit on my bed. I wipe my tears as I hear a strange noise, when I look up I see Kylo. "Leave me alone. How did you even get in here?"

"I'm not in your quarters, I'm in my study."

"What is happening?" I ask.

"I'll figure it out." He says getting up. This was the weirdest thing, but I didn't care. I was too pissed off at Kylo. He finally disappeared and I was left alone. Alone to my thoughts.

Every time things get better, they just get worse again.

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