Chapter 1: Moving Day

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(Y/n)'s POV

I smiled as I gazed at the stunning campus, my bags in my hand. My family had come with me earlier in the week to help set up most of my stuff in the dorm room, but I hadn't had much time to look around before. I turned in a small circle, taking in the towering trees as other students aimlessly milled about the pristine buildings.

Kings College. My new home for the next four years.

Letting out a small chuckle, I made my way up the winding steps until I approached my shared dorm: room 328. Opening the door and stepping inside, I glanced around the small dorm, looking for a familiar face. A smile crept across my face when I finally found the girl with trademarked long, curly brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders.

My new roommate, Peggy Schuyler, was as sweet as could be. Peggy might be young, but she had a knack for learning and a wit that surpassed even some people that were ten years older. This allowed her to skip a couple of grades and graduate the same time as her second eldest sister, Eliza. Peggy was lighthearted, sharp-tongued, in love with life, and she had the inexplicable ability to light up a room. Even though we had only met a handful of times, I knew that Peggy and I were going to be good friends.

Peggy was in the midst of arranging a few photos on her desk, swaying and singing along to the music she was listening to as she did so. I smirked as I realized that she hadn't noticed me yet, so I decided to have a little fun. I put my bags down as gently as I could and slowly crept up behind Peggy. Because nothing says "great first day of college" like scaring the living hell out of your roommate, right?

Her music was insanely loud and blaring in her ears, which was good news for me — that meant that once I got closer I could hear what song was playing, and when the loud parts were. Currently, Peggy was listening to "Stop" by Anthony Ramos (okay, I couldn't help myself) and I had to bite back a laugh when I remembered how obsessed she was with the singer. I heard the song nearing its end and I leaned as close to Peggy's ear as I dared, making sure she couldn't hear my breathing as I steeled myself to scare her. When the last note played and the music faded into silence I yelled, "BOO" as loud as humanly possible. Peggy nearly jumped out of her skin and whirled around, forcing me to take a step back before she could punch me in the face.

"Cheese and crackers, (Y/n)! I'm too young to have a heart attack," Peggy exclaimed and playfully slapped me on the arm. She pulled me into a hug and murmured, "You're lucky that I love you." I embraced Peggy and broke into uncontrollable laughter.

"It's good to see you too, Pegs." I gave her one last squeeze before picking my bags up again and walking into my room, leaving the door open.

"Settled in completely?" I called to Peggy over my shoulder. The dorm room was decent enough and not uncomfortably small, but the walls were incredibly thin, so we could easily converse without having to scream our lungs out. I quickly unpacked the last of my clothes and placed them into my dresser, still waiting for Peggy's answer.

I walked out back into the common room that served as a mix between a living room and a kitchen, with a wall acting as a small partition. "Umm," Peggy said as she studied a picture to see if it was straight, "Yeah, I think I'm good. I'd love to hang out later — I've gotta meet up with Liza, but in the evening we can pop in a movie?"

I nodded at Peggy's suggestion, thinking about how to kill time until then. Remembering something, my eyes lit up and I grabbed my keys from the coffee table near the door. "Sounds good, Pegs, I'll see ya later. Text me if you need anything!" We said our goodbyes after we both stepped out of the dorm, locking the door behind us. Peggy took off confidently in one direction, but I had to pull out my phone to make sure I was going to the right place.

Negotiate a Peace, Or Negotiate a....Romance? {Charles Lee x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now