Sketch's intentions. (Ask 13.)

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"Alright." Harry said as he poured a cup of tea for sketchbook, who was now in her human form. "What is it that you want?" He asked. "Well" sketchbook dragged her finger on the rim of her glass. "I wanted to try to make things right. I've come to apologize for all the awful things I have done to you and your friends. Though an apology may not make up from the trauma you have endured, I wanted to try to start fresh with you three." She took a sip of her drink "The guilt I felt for how I've acted eats away at my heart everyday. So I thought since I have control over my teachings without some power hungry businessman at my throat. I thought it would be for the better."

Harry rested his face on his chin. "With all due respect, Miss. I'm a little sadden to say that we just can't trust you. I do believe your intentions are good, however.. I'm still worried you might still have those behavioral problems you and the others have gathered after being under Roy's control." He said stirring his tea. "To that, I'll say that's understandable. However I'd like to say that The other teachers and I have been attending group therapy to help us." Sketchbook said "However you don't have to forgive us right away, I understand it'll take some time, so don't feel pressured." She stood up from her seat with her cup in hand. "Thank you for the tea and the chat." She walked to the sink to wash her cup. "It's nice to talk like adults and not like children.".

(Idk why I'm adding a more mature tone to this but I kinda like it.)

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