The Ageless Moon ( ALT BERS Chapter 41 Ending)

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The Shepherd stopped in front of her, but Velvet pretended not to notice. An insurmountable feeling of remorse filled his soul, whipping his mind to no end. Avernus couldn't reverse time, but he wanted to make that future a reality. To give back Velvet her second chance and, to the world, a precious woman back.

"I know why you must go through with it, but there are sins that must be cleansed...", he spoke, trying to sound like his usual self and hiding his sadness. Little did he know, the feeling was mutual. Velvet couldn't bring herself to look the man in the eye.

Did he have a grave plan to save them all? Definitely.

Did he consider his own safety? Most likely, no.

Velvet was eating at herself from the inside again.

Suddenly, Avernus kneeled on one knee like a knight. Velvet gasped in surprise and slowly raised her head to see his bright face.

"They say that the first step for Shepherds to absolve sins is to seek forgiveness in our hearts...", Avernus said, his eyes starting to get glossy. He bit his lips, "Velvet...", Avernus swallowed a knot in his throat and hastily bowed his head.

"I ask for your forgiveness!", his voice cracked in sorrow. Velvet's eyes widened, tracking a single tear streaking his cheeks and falling on the ground.

"For the life that has been taken from you, I beg your forgiveness.  For what the world for it did to you-"

Abruptly, among the burst of his emotions, Velvet's finger raised his chin. Avernus was silenced. Her face sailing closer until Velvet's breath could cool his tears. She interrupted him with a fresh and sweet kiss. Velvet's eyes slowly glimpsed his face and took it all in. All the manliness, along with the emotions that ran wild. For her, nothing seemed more precious and wanting.

His green orbs were clinging to her radiant flames. His body felt weightless as he felt himself falling on the large sofa beside Velvet. The crimson moon was rising behind her. Then everything ceased, even time, for their tenderness to warm each other one last time before the apocalypse.

"If this is all a crazy dream, please don't wake me up.", Avernus whispered.

Velvet climbed on top of him. She put away her comb, her hands brushing against his chest all the way to his face.

"What if it's a nightmare?", she muttered, capturing his soft lips with hers.

Avernus touched her, his hands slowly going around her waist.

Their lips parted with a pop. "I'll take this nightmare any day to a world where I'm not with you.", Avernus murmured, his hands sliding over the curve of her butt and up her back, pulling up and tugging her shower robes, revealing more of her skin. "Let me make you happy. I want to see your smile again.", he pleaded in an alluring whisper, his emerald eyes hanging into her ambers. "Be my moon, cleave my darkness."

The Lord of Calamity slowly went for another taste. His words washed away any doubts. Velvet's eyes fluttered shut as a dream of Avernus, naked and wanting, formed in her mind. Her fantasy flared up, and his surprising touches drove her wild with ecstasy.

Among the feelings of guilt and revenge, the flood of her desires for love sank all of them beneath. Velvet opened her eyes, rocking her hips into his just a bit to fire up the Shepherd. "Do you think loving me is a sin?", Velvet asked.

Avernus opened his eyes too and raised on his back. "If it is, then I'm beyond redemption."

That's just what she wanted to hear.

He curled his fingers over the sides of her robe, pulling it off gently. Velvet let herself loose in the feeling of being stripped down by Avernus. His presence calmed her nerves. He nibbled at the pulse point on her neck. Velvet's stomach muscles trembled as the smooth fabric of her robe brushed against it, feeling the air grazing her skin. Her breathing got shallow, and she pressed her hips into Avernus. The Shepherd brushed more light kisses over her neck until Velvet took the crumpled clothes herself and did the rest, tugging her rob as her young breasts bounced at the touch of cloth over her puckered pink nipples and her long hair sailed smoothly through it until it was laying on the ground.

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