Umbrella || Reason 16

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[not a gif but why does izuku hit different with his hair down

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[not a gif but why does izuku hit different with his hair down... is it just me?]

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school gate


(y/n) loved the rain. it gave her a wave of nostalgia whenever the sky would turn gray. a distant memory of her childhood where she would bundle up in her blankets as the droplets of water lull her to sleep. or how she would watch the droplets fall against the window predicting which droplet would fall first.

whatever it was, the rain gave her a sense of calmness.

but not in the current situation she was in.

(l/n) had to stay after school hours due to her retaking the training course test with aizawa. it went smoothly compared to last time, but her good luck soon turned against her causing her to get trapped in school due to the heavy rain.

usually she would have an umbrella sitting at the back of her locker, but fate had other plans for her considering that she had forgotten to return it a few days ago. she sighed in regret as she watched the droplets of rain fall against the puddle pooling near the sole of her shoes.

'i could always make a run for it' she thought to herself as she tried to see through the harsh pour of the rain. there was no use running through such a downpour. the dorms would be around a seven minute walk away from school and running that long in pouring rain didn't seem like the brightest idea.

she blew a strand of her hair away from her face before glancing at the school doors behind her. all the other students would have been in their dorm rooms right now. probably sipping on hot chocolate as they watched a movie bundled up in blankets.

how she wished to be that person now.

"(y/n) what are you doing here?" a voice came from behind causing her to abruptly turn around from where she sat. there stood midoriya in his green superhero suit, a towel in his hand with his bag hanging over his shoulder.

"izuku?" she was surprised seeing him at school after hours. he approached her taking a sit next to the girl as he continued to dry his forehead with the damp towel.

why did that shake her heart a bit?

"oh, i had to retake the training course with aizawa, how about you?" she answered his previous question as she gestured over to the gym bag sitting next to her. midoriya nodded his head in reply before drowning out the remains of his water bottle.

"like i said before, i have training on other days of the week. which probably explains why i'm wearing this. actually, if i'm being honest, i'm just too lazy to change out of it" he chuckled as he tossed the empty water bottle in his bag before zipping it up.

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