The Beginning

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Isla Nublar, 120 miles west of Costa Rica 

Jurassic World has been open for five years. The eggs in the Hammond Creation Lab are incubated in February so they hatch during the hatchery tours, after 13 weeks, dinosaurs are ready to hatch. On May 15, 2009 at 9:27 am, one of these eggs is ready to hatch.

My earliest memories... For as long as I could remember I'd been perceiving the world outside this blank, crammed, dark reality I live in.

I've been waiting for the day that I could see the bigger world. Although, I cannot yet see anything, I knew that I would soon be too big for my dark world.

Finally I felt my spine uncomfortably bend around the edges of the walls. It was at that moment I decided that I'd had enough. It was time for me to get out of here.

I heard strange voices from outside the prison I was in, I whistle to them, the voices stop for a second before I hear another whistle, it was different to mine... but it's still a response, "Is it one of my parents? Or a sibling?" If it's the latter, than it is definitely time to get out!

I push my head up against the top of the shell. Stretching my legs as far as they can. I shake as much as I can to help move my body and scratch the shell with the tooth on my snout. Eventually, the wall could take no more and began to crack, slivers of light beaming in through the cracks.

Filled with determination, knowing these cracks were of my doing, I continue to attack the walls, searching for my freedom, then finally after what seemed like weeks a huge hole in the shell opens up. I am blinded by the light beaming into my tiny eyes.

I feel my eyes adjust to the light. I open them again to see other eyes staring at me with smiles. I wonder what these creatures are, two legs, fluffy heads, two arms, many different shapes, sizes and colours.

I begin to use my tiny limbs to crack my way out of the prison I was in. I notice my unique appearance.

I have three fingers with sharp claws on the ends, I notice my long tail, around the length of my whole body. And, around my neck, something sticking to my neck, the fluids I was encased in keeping this thin fleshy part of my body stuck to my neck.

I keep pushing the egg, trying to get out, shaking back and fourth until my egg collapses, shattering from both my weight and the cracks I inflicted into it.

I had already used all my little energy I had inside of me, I couldn't even move. I tried calling out for my parents.

I stumble to my feet and look around, quickly realizing, there's no one else like me. I'm the only one, in fact. Everywhere I look, I can only see those bipedal mammals, I am confused to see these things. 

I know nothing about the world I live in, but there's something inside me. An instinct, I know some things about the world, I know when I'm hungry I need to eat, I know if I'm thirsty I need to drink, I know that the small long-necked herbivores are my prey and that my biggest threat is predators bigger than me.

But these creatures, they're not in my instinct, neither is any of my surroundings. As I wander around calling for my parents a hand reaches down. I look up at the creature, another one of the fuzzyhead mammals. 

As his soft hands touching my tender scales I feel both worried but also comforted, It was almost as if I knew we would begin a lifelong bond together.

It's not like I imprinted on him, I knew he wasn't my parent or father, I just instantly knew he was my important to me. I immediately trust him, It doesn't even cross my mind to try to bite him or wriggle free.

As he carried me I see many faces, looking at me with such happiness and joy. The attention was clearly on me and I felt very special and happy, yet one of these humans was different. One stood out from the crowd of white coats and cargo shorts. 

That face... I'll never forget it, he was smiling too, but not in the same way everyone else was smiling. He wasn't smiling because he was happy to see me. That face, it said one thing to me, that I was a tool, I belonged to him.

Once he's out of sight, he remains in my mind, but I remain exhausted from hatching, in fact I was so exhausted I fallen asleep. I only realized that I had fallen asleep when I woke up what must've been hours later in a completely new setting, no crowds of humans, no lab coats, just me and three or four humans.

The next thing I remember, I am at least three times bigger than I was before. I knew more things and have vague memories, lights, blood, pain... but, every time I try to think of these memories my head  hurts.

Confused, I look around, observing my room, that was when I heard a voice, I had known there was a creature where the sound was coming from but I never spoke to it, I didn't even know it could talk.
"Little one? How are you doing? What do you remember?"
I look in it's direction genuinely confused.
"W-who are you?" I ask.

I hear chuckling, the voice is deep but I can tell she's female based on her voice, I don't even need to see her.
"Oh! So they DON'T remember, you must be one of the special ones."
"What are you talking about? What I don't remember?" I ask nervously.
"What the humans did to you," she says. "The humans tortured you."

"What do you mean, if the humans 'tortured' me, I sure as hell would remember."
"Just like your cousins, ey?" "Cousins?" "Your kind, Dilophosaurus, are wise creatures, especially because of the raptor DNA, but they've always been stubborn, can't be convinced otherwise."

"You can't just erase someone's memories, That's not possible!"
"Oh sweet darling that's what the humans do, they deny the impossible like the laws of logic and life are a choice, nobody knows what is possible anymore! They probably don't even know they're capable of." She says in a natural tone,
"It's only a matter of time before it happens again"

"W-What are you talking about"
She takes a deep breath, "You have no idea how old I am... I have seen EVERYTHING, it always goes the exact same way... it's best to say, they like to play 'chicken' with mother nature, the human race is the dominant species and we are the ones who threaten them of that title. With any living thing, there are two key instincts. 1. Survival and 2. Reproduction, but with the humans, they're special, they have a third, dominion."

"Dominion?" "The humans can never be quenched of their desires, they want to be in control, they want everything. They conquered the world thousands of years ago, and now they expand, they can't be satisfied with what the world had to offer, they got greedy. So they thought it would be worthwhile to play god. They recreated us, they made creatures that went extinct over sixty five MILLION YEARS AGO, like you and me. And shoved us into modern day, with traits to suit their needs!"

"I-I don't understand..." "They made us to entertain them... to earn their so-called 'money' and grow more powerful." The creature chuckled to herself. "But they would learn the hard way... or at least they should've, I wasn't there when it happened, I was on 'site B' but I learnt what happened. They underestimated their own creations, they didn't understand what they had created and instead of creating a paradise, they made a nightmare. Many of them died and even more of us met a tragic fate."

She was silent for a moment, but continued. "I missed the first part, but I saw the rest, and maybe I'll see the next. They never learned the message. 'You can't control what they don't understand.'  I've gotten out several times, and from what I've seen of the park, I know that it is already bigger than the first park. It's not a matter of 'if' it's a matter of 'when' things go to hell."

"After all, if Jurassic World isn't a paradise, it's all a façade. It's like an egg, once the shell is broken, it all falls apart. The bigger the illusion is, the bigger the body count will be."

"I... still don't understand..."

"Oh, you will... eventually... assuming the mountain hasn't already begun collapsing, and when that happens. You don't want to be in it's way.

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