Epilogue (Indominus POV)

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She smashes me into a wall, glass covers my back. I am now covered in scars, the raptor jumps on my back again."Get off me!" I scream, "You monster! You'll die for what you did!" She yells out to me, I try to bite her but that stupid Tyrannosaurus grabs my neck again and throws me to the floor, at least that stupid raptor fell off me."Guys I think I can't do this alone!" I hear the raptor yell out, I stand back up to see my number of enemies has increased by two, now I'm facing off against a tyrannosaurus, velociraptor and two of those dilophosaurus I tried to kill earlier."That's it, I've had enough, no more playing nice!""Oh! By the way Blue this is all your fault!" I say as I get stable"If you had just obeyed me your sisters would be alive,"I stand up completely straight now,"I promised Opsen I would avenge him, No matter the cost!"I roar at them, "It's time to finish my jo..."At that moment I feel something tight around my waist pull me to the ground, I look down and feel my heart sink. It was a pair of jaws, something was biting me and trying to pull me in the water behind me!"N-No wait I haven't done it yet I still need to Avenge him! I still need..."I feel the lower half of my body hit the freezing water, I hold my breath. I find everything gets really blurry, eventually I feel the thing slam my body on the ocean floor.I was barely able see the creature, it was a large fish creature. I think I was more angry than scared at that moment, I scratched at her stomach trying to cut her open but the cold water slows and weakens my body. My natural instinct to breath kicks in and I take a deep breath full of nothing but water. I don't think and I try coughing out the water but that releases the little air left in my body.I naturally take another breath trying to make up for the lost air filling my lungs with water. I am terrified. I am stuck in a cycle of breathing and coughingI feel my legs hit the ground and become immobile, "I'm sorry Opsen, I failed you," I think to myself.My eyes grow heavy and I suddenly feel a warm feeling in my heart, I for some reason want to smile. I follow that feeling and use the last energy I have to smile.My eyes fully close and the warmth in my heart had grown to my whole body, finally my heart stops beating. My belly stops rising and falling. I can't feel anything other than the warmth in my body.I open my eyes slowly like I'm waking up, I find myself in my enclosure again, it's daytime. "Was that all a dream?" I begin questioning my sanity, "I mean I don't know if I want it to be a dream or not,"I walk around my enclosure like always, I notice that there's no humans in that glass box thing, I look around for them and see the door I escaped from earlier, it was open. Confused, I walk outside again but unlike before there's no buildings or any sign of human life.I turn around and see that my enclosure has turned disappeared, I feel my heartbeat grow faster."W-what's happening?" I suddenly hear a voice coming from the distance, I can't make out what it's saying so I follow it."H-Hello?" I ask cautiously. The sound repeats itself, I am still unable to understand it, I look around and see it's the same island but before mankind arrived,Eventually I can make out what it's saying, it's calling me! "Yes, Yes that's me!" I yell out running towards the sound, I am led to where I had died.There were no dinosaurs or humans but there is a building, that circular building thing. It's bigger though so I can fit inside it. I'd say actually I am the same size of a velociraptor in comparison to the building.I walk inside the room to find no humans anywhere only seeing the labs they had created. I see a door that is left slightly ajar, a bright light is coming from behind it."Hello?" I ask as I poke my head in, When I do this I see something odd, flames, flames everywhere acting like they're living things, living in their own society. A flame comes up to me, it's even more weird because it has no limbs it just floats up to me."Welcome! He's been waiting for you!" The flame creature says"Uh, Who has?""Follow me,"I obey it and follow the flame, it leads me through a land of flames simultaneously in different worlds whilst in one room. "Welcome it the fire world" it says, "This is the fire world?" I think to myself."Here he is!" The flame says to himself as we enter an area, A slight hill appears in the middle.I look up, atop the hill I see another Indominus looking down and smiling at me, he walks towards me and stops just in front of me,"Thank you for finding her." This Indominus says.

"No problem Opsen!"

I feel my heart stop for a second!"W-Wait! Did he just, are you, you're, I'm not.."I can't figure out what to sayHe chuckles, "yes, it's me, Opsen, your brother Opsen!I run up to him and I wrap my head around his neck and he does the same with me,"I'm so sorry, I-I tried to help you but it only made things worse for both of us so I tried to avenge you and..."

He shushes me,"It's okay, it's not over yet, you will get your revenge. I've seen enough to know what's going to happen!"

"What?" "They're going to bring us back! They learnt how to bring souls back to life and they're going to place our souls in new bodies, if we don't find the best possible ending we will suffer for the rest of eternity!"

"Wait what? If they can take us out of our Fire World then, we're never safe?""No, it's possible to escape them, I have a plan, you have to follow out the steps correctly, do them at the right time. We need to manipulate Beauty, Blue, the third gallimimus herd and the Rex in order to save them and us. "

"Is saving them mandatory?""Unfortunately yes,"I sigh, "I can't believe it but our hope is in the hands of those dinosaurs, the ones I've tried to kill."

"Exactly," Opsen says, "So what do we do now?" Opsen looks at me, "Do you trust me?" "Of course!" "There's a lot of things we have to do, we will need to manipulate dinosaurs into harming and befriending others but believe me, they are mandatory."

"Opsen, as long as I get to live with you, my brother, again I'll do anything. What do we do first?""First we need to do something very risky and dangerous, unfortunately there's no possible ending where everyone gets out okay, all I can say for certain is there will be heartbreak, there will be pain, there will be blood. And, there will be death. Lots of death,"

"I will do anything, no matter what the cost, our happy ending is worth any sacrifice." "I thought you'd say that, lets get started..." "What do we do first." 

"Henry has been working on a little project, I'd say in a few months we will witness the birth of a monster."

"A monster?" "Let's just say it's us mixed with some other things, he calls it, the indoraptor."

To Be Continued

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