Dream || It's not supposed to be this easy

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Genre: Angsty(???)
Words: 3252
TW: Toxic Relationship, mental abuse, guilt tripping

This is one loosely based off of the song above!

(Y/T/N) - Your Twitter Name
(F/S) - Favorite Show

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《Third Person POV》

Dream and you have been best friends for about 4ish years now. You always play minecraft together and stream together. You are apart of Dream Team with SapNap and George. You and Dream are shipped together and your ship name is (y/n)wastaken! You guys always joke around and jokingly flirt with each other which is what caused the shipping. You both have major crushes on each other but deny that the other does. Today you are going to stream with the Dream Team and play some bedwars!

《Your POV》

Beep Beep Beep!!

"Ughhh, shut up!" I say and look at my phone. The alarm message reading 'Stream starting in an hour! Get ready you lazy bitch!!'. "Well I'm certainly nice to myself at 3 am" I say and turn off the alarm. I set it last night so I'm not late to the stream with Dream and the others. I yawn and slowly hop out of bed. I get up and walk into the kitchen and make myself some breakfast aka Cereal. I grab my favorite cereal and some milk and make myself some breakfast.


I hear the discord notification go off on my phone in my room. Curious I left my unmade breakfast and went to grab my phone. I pick it up and see I have a dm from Dream. I grin as I open it quickly.


Are you up? Hopefully you got enough sleep, we don't want you falling asleep on stream again.

Hey! That was one time! And I went to bed at 3 am so I should have enough sleep for today's stream!

3 Am?? That's new! Good job (y/n)! 👏👏

Shut up!! Whatever, I'm going to continue to make my breakfast >:(

Lol okay. Have fun with your cereal! I'll be in a teamspeak call, join if you wanna!

I will in a bit, ttyl!



I smile as I looked over our conversation. I then took my phone back with me too the kitchen as i finished making my cereal. I then took a picture of it and posted it on my spam Twitter account with the caption "This cereal is so good!". I then took the bowl of cereal and put it on my desk in my room. I then started up my pc as I ate my cereal. My phone then went off again. I looked at it and saw dream replied to my tweet.


This cereal is so good!
Lol someone needs to help you with your cereal addiction
Shut up Mr. Green man >:(


I giggled at his reply and saw my pc was ready. I open up teamspeak and put on my headphones. I then join the call that dream was already in.

"Heya Clay!" I say in call, I always call him by his real name outside of streams.

"Heya cereal addict, you ready for today's stream?" He asked.

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