Blood on My hands

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  • Dedicated to Ana, my older sister

Gunshots rang loudly through my ears, as the bullets flew past my head. I was hiding behind crates with the small hand gun clutched tightly in my hand. The job had gone wrong, it was supposed to be a simple mission get in get are money, then run like hell. Obviously it had gone wrong the man who owed us money, Mr. Thomas, had this place being watched. We corned now three against seven, are side with only three. I was confident though, we were trained for this.

"On the count of three, we go in. I checked there defenses there not highly trained at all. We can take them." Antonio one of my closes personal friends said. He was the reasonable one out of the three of us. Always checking everything out finding the weakest and highest point and telling us when it was time to attack.

"Hell Yeah! Of course we can take them Tony, we aren't armatures here."  Nick said raising his large meaty fist up for a knuckle touch. He was the immature childish one, I never actually could figure out why he was actually on the team but it might have to do with his beastly fighting skills.

"Belle...I want you to stay behind...on this." Antonio said gulping loudly, like he was scared. And he had every right to be, He actually thought I was going to stay back he was nuts. Out of us all I was probably the most skilled. Probably because I had been personally trained by the boss himself.

"What the hell do you mean Antonio, I am not staying back." My voice was calm and it probably scared him worse. Everyone knew I had a wicked temper, and if I didn't like something I was damn sure going to act upon it.

"The Boss said watch out for you." He was sweating profusely now I could see it trickle down his face, and his Adams apple moving. I was pissed why would he tell them to watch me I could handle my own and he knew it, I was his best, well maybe besides my brother but other than that I was his golden fighter and he knew that.

"Why?" I glared at his naturally tan face.

His hands came up ruffling with his dark hair, one of his nervous habits. Antonio didn't get nervous a lot only when it came to me or the boss. He knew both of us could hurt him.

"I don't  know Belle, but we really have to move please just stay put." He begged his amber eyes pleading.

"Listen to me closely Antonio, Fuck Off." I glared and without another thought flipped over the crates gun in hand and went in shooting.

Bullets flew and I ducked leaping behind forgotten junk in the empty warehouse.

"Shit!" I heard Antonio yell.

And Nick yell "Yeah get um Belle."

I would do just that. I aimed and pulled the trigger hitting one perfectly, he dropped like fly.

"Headshot!" I yelled to the boys grinning slightly. Did I feel guilty? I had learned to lock away my emotions long ago, It was simple I can't feel guilty  if I simply don't feel at all anymore, years of pain can surely damage any girl.

A bullet zoomed by missing me by mere inches.

"Arabelle Olivia De Luca, stop being so reckless. If you die I will be murdered." Antonio yelled and I could hear Nick's loud ground shaking laugh. I shot him a grin and shot another, who dropped along with his little friend.

"Two down, five to go." I laughed as I jumped behind another crate and aimed.

"Make that three down." I called over my shoulder as Nick and Antonio jumped and glided to my new hiding spot.

"Fuck Belle, Stop scaring the shit out of me. I get it your badass you don't take shit but god don't risk your own life to prove a point. Your own pride is going to kill you one day." Antonio finished his speech by shooting, a tall guy with an ugly scare running down his hideous face.

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