Part 2 : He scares me...and yet...

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Kakyoin walks to school, it's a nice spring morning. Far ahead of him is Jotaro, walking with his army of fangirls.

Lucky...I wish I had so many girls around me...

He walks past the gate and enters the school building, another day of work is waiting for him. But something seems wrong...Noriaki checks his bag, nothing is missing...not even his pencil case...

Then suddenly he remembers, he fell asleep yesterday without eating nor doing his homework.

I'm so screwed...the teachers are going to be so mad at me...

Lucky me, I still got the few homework I already did before yesterday...

Noriaki goes to his locker and opens it, looking for a few sheets of paper. Then closing it. Before Kakyoin can turn around, he hear a loud slam next to him. Surprised, Kakyoin looks right, where he heard the sound coming from, he sees a hand and a piece of black fabric.

- Hey." A familiar voice says. "Don't say a word, if you do, I'll slam your head on your locker." Jotaro says a malicious tone in his voice.

He gets closer to Noriaki's ear and whispers :

- Thank you for yesterday. Meet me at lunch on the roof, if you don't show up, I'll make sure you'll miss your pretty face." Jotaro says, the same hint mischief in his voice.

He then leaves a frightened Kakyoin behind.

The redhead could faint if he didn't fought against it so hard. His heart beats so fast it's actually hurting him. His face is probably red as a cherry.

Jotaro...why are doing this to me ?

Kakyoin tries to calm down, but fails miserably, only making it worst.

Why does he want to see me on the roof ? Does he need something.

The bell rings, and Kakyoin quickly leaves his thoughts behind and goes to his classes.

In the end Kakyoin will get his first hour of detention. His biology teacher wasn't in a very good mood when the redhead told him about his homework. So here he is, going out of the biology classroom, pissed of. And the worst part is that it's lunch time now. And he has to go see Jotaro, or else...

So, he climbs up the stairs, regretting knowing Jotaro, after all it's his fault if he didn't do his homework.

- So... you came..." Jotaro says, sitting on a bench. Grey smoke coming out of his mouth.

Of course Jotaro would smoke, that just completes the delinquent cliché. The next step is to discover that he sells and do drugs. Kakyoin thinks, not surprised at all.

- Yeah, don't want to get my face deformed.

- You better. Now sit." Jotaro pats the portion of bench next to him.

Kakyoin obeys, he feels that Jotaro is in a bad mood. He better not disrespect or annoy him more...or else it might end up in a fight.

A long silence settles between the two students. Until Kakyoin breaks it.

-Do you mind if I eat my lunch ?" Noriaki asks as respectfully as he can.

- Nah...I was actually about to eat mine."

They open their lunch box at the same time and start eating in complete silence. Until...

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