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"Dude, stop staring." Kingston coice went through my ears, I look at him with the 'are you crazy' look and he smirked. He looked at what I was looking at and I looked back at Ethan and William laughing as they try to sabotage each other. Ethan still winning by about 50 points.

"How can you not stare...?" I asked in a dream like voice. I feel like a girl that just found the hottest dude, which to me, I did. Kingston just stared at me and rolled his eyes.

"I think you have something..." He looked closer, I look at him thinking about what he's trying to do. "Oh wait, it's just drool." Kingston laughed and I roll my eyes. I smiled and kept looking at Ethan, the cutest boy in the world.

"I'll be right back." I got up and grabbed Bennett. He tired to pull away from me at first but I was too strong for him, I took Bennet to the arcade and I took a deep breath while looking at the games.

"What are we doing here? I have to help William win!" Bennett said, him and William are like best friend, closer than anyone from our friend grope, Bella and Lilith are close through. I smirked and went to the coin machine.

"I want to get something for Ethan." I said shyly, I smiled to myself just thinking about him. The way his brown eyes marched his brown hair, his personality, his body...I need to stop before I get to excited.

"That's adorable. But why do you need me here?" Ben asked, I look at him and he was a bit annoyed. I smirk and roll my eyes, I got all 20 quarters for the $5 I put in. That's honestly a rip-off. I put them in my hoddie pocket and went over to the claw-machine.

I looked at everything they got, they have stuff animals. When I noticed a blue narwhal, I got flashbacks to when Ethan told me that he is obessed with Narwhals. I smirk and put in 50 cents.

"Tell me when I am on that Narwhal." I told Bennett, he took a deep breath and went to the side. He did as I said and I got it, I grabbed the stuff animal from the little box. I smiled and saw another game.

"Why a Narwhal may I ask?" Bennett asked. I look at him and than back at the Narwhal, it was pretty cute if I do say so myself.

"He's obessed with them and he likes the color blue." I explained. It's weird how I know all there is to know about Ethan but he is just an interesting person in all, his life seems to be normal and he seems to be normal.

Me and Bennett gone over to this candy type claw-machine and I saw a huge Tootie Roll Pop and I was already destined to get it. I told Bennett to hold Wallace, the Narwhal, yes I already named it, and he looked at me confused.

"Their name is Wallace Blue." I repeated, Ben look at the stuff animal and I let out a laugh. I put in 75 cents and started playing. It took me almost all my quarters but on my last tired, I finally got it. I high-five Bennett that was also getting really into it, I grabbed Wallace and grabbed the huge Tootie Roll Pop.

"I should get something for Bella." Ben said, he looked around and took a deep breath, I roll my eyes. There was obviously something going on with Bella anr Ben. I know they got into a huge fight, that's how we got in trouble a months ago that turn into going to church but they made up and it just has been the same, at least for Ben it hasn't.

"Bro, are you and Bella like...ok?" I asked, I look into his eyes, his blue eyes seemed to darken at my question. He shook his head and took a deep breath.

"We're fine my dude." That's all he said before walking back to the cash machine. I followed him as he got her a stuff animal. I kept talking to him and somehow I started talking about Ethan. "You have a huge crush on this dude."

"Yeah! I do! I just don't know. Since he's a Christian, I have no idea how he feels about someone being gay and having feelings for him." I explained, I sat down on a race-car game. Bennett sat down on the motorcycle one, I looked down at the tings I got for Ethan. "I don't want him to hate me like James does."

"Well, James is a dumb-ass and he didn't know what he got when he had it. I say go for it. If he hates you, delete and block. You know everyone would be there for you." Bennett's pep-talks are the best. He talks like the drama-queen gay even through he is straight. I smiled and nodded my head. Not sure if I'm going to take the advice he just gave me. I would rather hide my feelings than have Ethan hate me, just the throught makes my heart break.

"There you two are!" We heard a girl's voice, we looked over to see Bella, James, Lilith, and Ethan. I smiled and got up gabbing everything.

"I got this for you..." I hand Ethan Wallace Blue and the big Tootsie Roll Pop. He smiled and took Wallace before the candy, Ethan's smile light something up inside me and I am counting it as a good feeling. I just want to make him smile, I feel like I need to be the reason behind his smile.

"I love it, thank you!" Ethan wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me into a nice, tight hug. I was shooked but hugged him back before he could pull away, I look at everyone else and they were all taking in thiw moment, James already left I guess.

"I also already name the Narwhal Wallace Blue." I told him, he looked at his new stuff animal and his smile never disappeared, I couldn't help but not look down at his beautiful face.

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