Kenma on the Volleyball Team?

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I wake up to to sunlight beaming from an opening in my curtains. I woke up by myself? My sister didn't even come in?
"Interesting" I said quietly aloud.
Spoke to soon..
"Oh your'e already up" Aluna sneered. "No fun I wanted to wake you up".
"Yea yea. How did you sleep?" I asked while getting out of bed.
"Good. I had a nice dream" she said basically drooling.
"You know what..? I don't even wanna know" I replied.
I showered and got ready. When I went downstairs and greeted my mother. She sat down my plate and we started chatting.
"How was your first day yesterday?"
"It was good. I made a friend. It's a boy and he's shy. It's kinda cute thou" I said while eating.
"A boy?" Aluna asked persistently.
"Yes. A boy that's way to old for you" I scoffed.
"*sigh* Have I ever mentioned your'e no fun!" Aluna huffed.
"Does he have black roots and blonde hair?" My mother asked.
"Yea actually how did you know-"
"He's waiting outside with Kamila. They said they wanted to walk to school with you" she said.
"And your telling me this now?" I said while speedily eating the rest of my food.
I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my school bag.
"Love you guys see you after school" I said walking towards the front door and opening it.
"She likes him. I don't care"
"Aluna L/N!" my mother yelled.
"Hi Y/N" Kamila said looking grouchy.
*dark aura forming around her*
I look over to see Kenma shaking a little away from Kamila. I know she's not a morning person. That's why I do not get close to her until she's had her ice coffee.
Poor Kenma.
"Goodmorning Kamila" I said forcing a smile.
"Goodmorning Kenma"
"Good morning Y/N" Kenma said snapping back to reality.
As we walked to the cafe Kenma clinged to my side. I mean I know why. Kamila is deadly in the morning. We arrived at the cafe shortly after. Me and Kamila got our usual ice coffee. I looked at Kenma who was patiently waiting by a table.
"Kenma you don't want anything?" I asked.
"No i'm fine." he said glimpsing at me.
"Seriously? Did you even eat this morning?" Kamila asked. Her whole mood had been changed.
"No not really much" he answered.
"What do you like to eat?" I asked him curiously.
"I like apple pie" he replied.
"Kk then we'll get you that" Kamila said turning around to the barista again.
"Yup :)" I said cheerfully.
"No it's okay. I'm fine. Please don't" Kenma said quietly.
"Sir. Can we have 3 small apple pies" I told the barista.
"Certainly. That would be ¥400." he said.
"Didn't you guys just have breakfast ?" Kenma asked.
Me and Kamila glared at him.
"N-No not like that. You just really don't have to buy the apple pie" he said shaking while backing away.
"Shh we want to" Kamila reassured.
"Yea what she said" I added.
I handed the money to the barista as he packed our apple pies. We left the cafe and made our way to school. While walking I handed Kenma his apple pie. Took mine out and handed Kamila hers in the bag.
"Thank you" he said looking at the pie. He opened it and took a few nips at it. He smiled while chewing his food.
*In Kamila and Y/N'a mind*
AWWWW OMGGG his little bites are so cuteee🥺."
———————Y/N's POV again———————
We arrived at school. At the entrance, we threw our trash in the garbage and was walking up to our classroom. Before we walked in, we were stopped by a tall upperclassman with black hair. Along with a tall classmate with grey hair. Kenma looked up at them. The one with grey hair greeted Kenma while smiling and so did the upperclassman. Me and Kamila just stared in confusion. Wondering who they were. As we were staring, Kenma introduced us to them.
"This is Kuroo and Lev. They're on the volley ball team."
"Hey don't act like your not on it too" Kuroo said while messing up Kenmas golden locks.
"Yea. What you ashamed of us"? Lev said while bending down and looking at Kenma.
I was still trying to process how Kenma was on the volley ball team. While Kamila was over here gawking at Lev.
————————-Kamila's POV———————
As Kenma introduced us to the two guys and said something about volley ball. I don't even know what they were talking about. ALL I know is that Lev is soo..cute. And he's tall. let me just...
*looks down*
Oh shoot. He saw me.
*blushes brightly*
Don't look at him Kamila don't do it.
"Are you okay?"Lev asked.
I turned my head. EMBARRASSED and red as a tomato. He bent down and placed his hand on my forehead.
"You're burning up. Are you sick or something?" he asked while looking at me.
I think my heart stopped beating for a second. I had backed up a couple of feet before saying...
"N-No I'm fine. T-T-Thanks for asking".
He just looked dumb folded. And looked away. Face slightly pink at the thought of what he did. We kept looking at each other and looking away. I hadn't even been paying attention to Y/N, Kurro, and Kenma.
Wait a minute. Why didn't Y/N say anything to help out? And she knows exactly how I get when i'm flustered. "Oouuu you little" I said quietly as I glared at Y/N.
————————-Y/N POV————————-
I feel Kamila glaring at me. Ahhh she's so cute when she's flustered. I'll tease her about this later. But class is about to start.
"Hey what's your name"? Kurro asked.
Oh yea I forgot we haven't even introduced ourselves.
"I'm Y/N and that's my bestfriend Kamila" I replied.
"Heyooo" she said.
"Well class is about to start so I guess we'll be going. Kenma you coming?" I asked while looking at him.
"Yea" he said.
We said our goodbyes to Kurro and Lev and entered class.

Time skip Lunch
We sat in the classroom today and ate our lunch. Me and Kamila pulled up a chair and sat with Kenma at his desk.
"Sooo Kenma your on the volley ball team" I said smiling at him.
"Yea. It's whatever thou" he said.
"Sir. It's not. You must be pretty good at it though for them to recruit you" Kamila said
"Yea" I agreed. "Plus don't you have to do a lot of running and stuff. And like practice spikes I think".
"Yea. They make me run extra cause I really don't care about it." he said in a monotone voice.
Kamila leans over and whispers in my ear.
"He must be cut up under those clothes. We should go see him in his uniform."
She only said this to get my reaction. I'm sure of it.
I started blushing slightly as she snickered and pulled away.
"What happen Y/N..Not thinking about Kenma's body are you?" she said sadistically.
Kenma turned and looked out the window. I seen a hint of blush on his face. I start playfully hitting Kamila.
"Stop. No I AM NOT." I said. "Don't get me started. You were just gawking at Lev earlier."
"Was not" she said face turning slightly pink.
Kenma giggled quietly at us. We've never seen any emotion on his face unless he's doing his favorite things. Gaming and eating apple pie. It kinda caught us off guard and we stared at Kenma.
"Kenma can we come see you practice tomorrow?" I said breaking the silence.
Kenmas eyes opened slightly..
"Sure you know where the gym is?"
"I'll take you Y/N" Kamila said.
"Yea thanks. I don't wanna get lost.."I replied.
We finished our lunch in a comfortable silence. Once we were done. We did the usual, finish our classes and headed home.
"You guys are walking home with me right?" Kenma asked.
Both Kamila and I shocked that Kenma initiated something and just stood there eyes open wide.
"Oh sorry. You guys don't have to if you don't want to" he then said.
"No no. We want to. It's just that you don't really ask for anything. You just go along with it." I said.
"No I like walking home with you....A-and Kamila." he stuttered.
"Uhuhh" Kamila said smiling and raising an eyebrow. "Well hurry up you two. I'll wait for you guys downstairs."
Kamila left and I was waiting for Kenma to pack his bag.
"Hey Y/N."
"Yea Kenma?"
"I'm sorry for being so awkward and quiet sometimes. It's just that. I'm no good with people so I tend to stay away."
"That's fine Kenma. I'm not gonna force you to do anything you do what to. You can start socializing more with us on your time. Just let us hang out with you if that's okay"
"Yea that's fine" he said smiling slightly.
I started blushing. Quickly covering my face to hide it and turned around.
"Ready to go"? Kenma asked.
"Yea" I answered.
We went downstairs to meet up with Kamila and walked our normal routes to our houses.
"Same time tomorrow?" Kamila asked smiling.
"Yup" I answered.
"Yea" Kenma said looking at her.
We all entered our houses and awaited for morning to come.

*Lemon🍋*  Kenma x Black Reader (finished)Where stories live. Discover now