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I walk up the dark stairs to my apartment. "Shouldn't I be holding your hand? You might trip like the big baby that you are." Taeyong says behind me. I sigh. "I trip one time Taeyong. One time. And you still remind me about it." I shake my head, forcing myself not to relieve that horrific day. I hear him chuckle behind me.

"You know Taeyong. You really didn't have to follow me home." I stop when we reach the top floor. He also stops and he stands in such a way that it forces him to look up at me. His hair a bit messy made him look extremely good. He shrugs and looks down at his hands. "I told you. I just had a bad feeling." He flicks his thumb, cracking it without using his other hand.

After my shift today, Taeyong offered to take me home. He told me that he had a feeling that those guys from before will come back for me. "And I would rather die than let anything happen to you." He mumbles as he shoves his hands in his pockets and looks away embarrassed. I feel my heart start to flutter. "Taeyong. I may not look like it but I'm a big girl you know. I can take care of myself." I try my best not to blush at his cute words. He looks up at me with a small smile.

"Yeah I know. But you'll always be a baby that needs protection to me. So I'll protect you till the day I die." He says. I swear my heart stopped beating from all the pressure. "You are something else." I say blushing madly and turn around to walk away. I hear him laugh lowly in the background.

We reach my room and I unlock the door. I turn to look at Taeyong. "Thank you for walking me." I tell him. He shrugs and messes up his hair. "Sure." He says. I nod waiting for him to leave so that I can close the door to my room. He continues standing there awkward. "Did you want something?" I ask him a bit confused. He looks at me for a long while, his eyes showing an unfamiliar emotion. "No." he shakes his head after realizing something. "I didn't. Goodnight." He says and turns around to leave before I even responded. "Goodnight." I say to the dark hallway and close my door.

Meow. Mr Fluffles walks over to me to come greet me. "Hello." I greet him by scratching his back as he walks around and between my legs. I sigh feeling suddenly tired. Meow. He looks up at me expectantly. I walk to my mini kitchen and take out his cat food. "There you go." I open the tinned food and place it in his plate. He immediately comes to inspect his food. He looks up at me. Meow. I smile tired. "Sorry Mr Fluffles. I can't right now. I'm really tired." I yawn and make my way to my make shift bed. Meow. He follows behind me. I plop down on my bed and close my eyes. Meow. He gets on my stomach. 

I groan. "You're a big cat now. This is no longer cute." I tell him and shift to lie on my right side, causing him to fall off me. Meow. He walks towards my face. Meow. And he sits down in the gap between my face and my neck. I smile and open my eyes to look at Mr Fluffles. His cat eyes staring right into mine. Meow. I pat his head. "Thank you." I tell him happy. Mr Fluffles purrs and closes his eyes, ready to fall asleep right beside me.

Mr Fluffles always knows how to just make me feel happy and loved, especially after what happened 2 years ago. He's always been by my side. And for that I'll be forever grateful to him. I sigh and close my eyes.


"You're new here aren't you?" I hear myself ask. "Yeah." A low voice answers.

Huh? I open my eyes and sit up from my bed. I look around to try and recollect my bearings but realize that I'm in a dark and endless room. What? Where am I?

"Why don't you make friends? You seem like a cool person." I hear myself say behind me. "The kids here don't understand me." a voice replies. Who am I talking too? That's when I turn around and I see my younger, high school self, talking to a kid with long black hair that covered his face.

Then in a blink of an eye the setting around me changed and next thing I know I'm back to my old school outside the cafeteria talking to this young boy. Is this a dream? It can't be, I feel like I should remember this. This has happened before. Before the accident. Before the mild amnesia.

The young boy starts picking at his thumb, nervous. He seems so familiar, like I've met him before. My younger self notices what he's doing. She smiles at him and reaches out to hold his hands to stop him. The boy freezes and looks up at her surprised. "Doing that to your thumbs is a really bad habit. Trust me, it's not worth it." she says and let's go of his hand to push back some strands of hair that have fallen onto her face. I had short hair back then?

"I'm not really interested in most of the things my peers are interested in. I like writing and composing music. They don't." The boy mumbles. I see myself laugh. "Yeah? Well they must be really boring." She shrugs and looks down at her hands for a while before looking back at him. "Want to know a secret? I write stories." She tells him.

"Really?" he asks her shocked. She nods her head and looks up at the blue clear sky. "I write stories when I'm bored or have free time." She tells him, leaning on the rails. He copies her and looks up at the sky with her. And that's when I saw his face. That's when I saw Ye Dam's face. "What do you write about?" he asks her. "It's nonsense really." She laughs and looks down covering her face embarrassed. He just turns his head to watch her, saying nothing.

She then eventually looks up at the sky again, this time the wind blowing her hair back. Ye Dam continues to look at her with a small smile on his face and a look of admiration in his eyes.

"I write about how it feels waking up every morning and witnessing a beautiful sunrise." She pauses. "Nonsense." That's when I feel something aching in my chest. She smiles deep in her thoughts. "That's not nonsense." Ye Dam says and quickly looks up at the sky as she turns her head to look at him. "Huh?" she asks him eyes wide. He smiles and looks back at her. "That's unique." He says. "There are people out there, somewhere in the world who have never experienced a single sunrise and don't know the tranquility and calmness that comes with it. There are people out there who don't realize that after a cold night alone there's a warm sunrise that comes after and after a heavy rain comes a beautiful rainbow." He says deep in his thoughts.

The ache in my chest starts becoming too much to bare. It felt like something is sitting on my chest, like a heavy boulder. Suffocating. I can't breathe. The setting around me changed again and this time I'm back where I started, in the dark and alone.

I snap open my eyes and see Mr Fluffles sleeping peacefully and unaware. I feel something wet falling down my cheek. I wipe it off. I'm crying. "Ye Dam." I whisper into the dark trying to wipe away the consistent tears.

So I guess I was right. Ye Dam and I know each other. We did meet.  

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