Getting to Know Each Other

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Here's Chapter 2 of my fanfic..!~ REMEMBER!! this is all fictional! So so soooo sorry I wasn't able to update immediately. ㅠㅠ the finals were coming up, and I just had to go and stare at my reviewers. But.. YEAH! Here it is! I hope you like it!!!^^

Jenny's P.O.V:

"So you're Jenny? Cute name...^^" I said shyly.

OH MY GOODNESS!~ Did he just say that...? This is such a dream come true... It was too good to be true. Maybe this will be my best day ever in my entire life. I had nothing left to say, I was completely speechless by his adorable compliment. After all that, The whole time I would become shy and I'd shrug my shoulders.

"So... Tell me about yourself." Ji Young said while his arms were resting at the bench and appreciating the fantastic view there was near the park.

"Ummm.. Me...? There's nothing interesting in my life, really. Nothing for you to know." I was very nervous about my past, and what he would say about it...


"MOTHER!!! NO!!! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!Y-you told me that you woud stay beside me until I die... And we would do so... together.. Happily. But look what happened... You went ahead of me.. Please, Mother, Don't leave me alone.. Father had left us years ago, and now, you wil be the one leaving me? " I said as I was holding her hand while she was on the hospital bed, dying... I just hoped that she heard even just a small portion of what I had said to her. Surprisingly, she tried speaking up, " I... am really.... s-sorry... Please... f-forgi...---- She stopped talking. She breathed her last breath. And seconds later, She passed away.

"N-no...!!! MOTHER!! please wake up! D-don't leave me alone!! I need you! I-I... love you very much... I am so sorry that i have only said it only at this very moment, where you are suffering... P-please.. forgive me...!" I was crying my eyes out, at how I was so regretful of what I have done.... I loved her so much.. I should've said it to her every single day, forher to realize how much I love her...

"DOC!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! DON'T JUST FUCKING STAND THERE! SAVE MY MOTHER...! P-please, doc... I need her... NOW!!!" I bursted in anger. Two nurses tried stopping me from hitting the doctor.

"I-I'm very sorry, Miss Jenny, But your mother can no longer be saved. It's too late... Her cancer is too acute.. I am very sorry. We have tried our best to save her.." The doctor explained.. I just stood there, sobbing at the loss of my beloved mother...

There they go,covering her face with a white blanket and pushed the bed where my mother was away from me. Slowly, The figures would disappear. Then I left, walking slowly and with every step I'd take, I would remember the times when my parents showed their love for me and feel heartbroken. "haaaah.So that's how it feels like when the one you love passed away.. I would never wish for that to happen ever again. Well, I don't really care anymore. Since they all left me, in a world full of hatred and hopelessness." I said softly that only me can hear it.

End of flashback

"Jenny..? are you okay?" I heard Ji Young ask me, while I was still closing my eyes and remembering the flashback that I had, Not knowing tears dropped on my hands. Then, I felt a pair of warm thumbs just below my eyes, trying to wipe off my tears. It was Jiyoung. 

"Oh.. N-nothing... I'm okay..." I lied manifestly.But it seemed like he believed me.. I hope. So that he won't ask me anymore of his questions that would make me cry harder. 

"You're lying to me.. I can feel it. And obviously see it."He continued." Just tell me your life story, and i'll tell you mine. It's gonna be alright! Maybe through this, we'll be close friends already!" he said excitingly. 

"Haaah... Fine... But you should promise me that you'll also tell me your story, okay?"I said while 

Wiping my tears off and tried to confirm a deal with him, to be fair. 


"Ok... Here goes nothing.. Both my parents died when I was still at a very young age. They left me all alone, in this cruel world... I've loved them... With my whole entire heart... But now that my mother has past away, I just feel so lonely... Like nobody's caring and loving me. I-I felt so regretful that I didn't love them the way they loved me. I wasn't able to show my appreciation of their love for me... Now, I feel so frustrated.." That was it.. I didn't want to continue anymore because I might cry loudly that the people at the park would see me, and they might make commotions and think I'm crazy. 

"ohh.... I...I'm so sorry for your loss... I should've not asked you anymore..." 

He was so caring... I didn't know he had that side of him... I am so happy that I met a person like him. Even though I am a fan of his, I felt like it was just a normal day, meeting a stranger, and was becoming closer with him. 

"Now, It's time for you to share your life story." I commanded him immediately so that it would be fair. 

"I dont' have to tell you..." 

"HEY! Didn't we just make a deal?! Psh. No. You have to say it. Or else.." 

I gave him continuous death glares, until he would become flimsy. No one can never, and i mean never, endure my death glares. Basically, I'm the goddess of deadly glares.  

"I don't have to tell you... Because...we have the exact same story... I was supposed to tell you, But I don't need to. You told my story yourself..." He smiled at me weakly. 

"Really? I'm so sorry,too.. I didn't know you had a past similar to mine..." After a few seconds, He gave me a soft, warm hug after all the drama I made. 

"It actually feels nice to know a friend that can relate to my life story... I feel like Im not alone. Knowing that someone was there for me... And that's you, Jenny...I thank you for bravely sharing your story to me. It's a great honor..." Jiyoung said softly to my ears while he was hugging me tighter and tighter until I could barely breathe. But, after all, I also hugged him back. I cherished every moment of that hug. It's a one time offer. Who would not resist him? 

"you are very welcome, Jiyoung Oppa..." OH GOD! I said his real name! He doesn't know that i know him! Dayummm...  

"pardon? How did you know my name? Did we ever meet before?" He pulled away from that amazing hug we just had.. Ugh. Stupid Jenny...  

"what? That's your name, too? I mean, I didn't know that. I mistakenly said my friend's name... Im sorry.."  

"Oh.. I see. Understood."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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