04 " im fucking stuffed "

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THE TEENS STARED IN HORROR AS JENNY AND HER WEE PALS SANG AND DANCED ON STAGE. it was the end of the day, the weekend drew nearer as the singing went on. kayleigh stood in between orla and erin, she couldn't help but giggle at orla's supportive dancing. the group definitely weren't the only ones who were extremely disturbed by the singing, sister michael's face said it all. as the girls stopped singing, sister michael walked onto the stage.
"thank you girls." she said as everyone hesitantly clapped, orla clapping the loudest out of everyone.
"before i dismiss you for the weekend, a few announcements. on monday morning several of our year thirteens will face their gcse's. now i know how daunting resit examinations may be so if anyone is feeling anxious, or worried, or even if you want a chat. please, please do not come crying to me." sister michael said shaking her head at the thought. kayleigh turned to erin who had a massive grin on her face, she was so excited for this big announcement that was happening. kayleigh had no idea what it was about, but she knew it must be big.
"c'mon c'mon to fuck." michelle hissed at the end of the row, she was getting extremely impatient as sister michael continued to ramble on about everything except the big news.
"this year's destination for the euro's trotters trip will be, dramatic pause." sister michael said looking around at everyone with a long pause.
"paris, it's going to be paris." she said with no excitement. everyone around kayleigh had their fists in the air as the danced around receiving their big news. kayleigh made eye contact with james, who, like her, had no clue what this big news was really about. he gave a clueless shrug which kayleigh returned. the both smiled at eachother as sister michael began to speak again.
"sadly i am unable to come on this one as i, despise the french." sister michael said. the prayer began as the end of the day was commencing.

the bell rang as the teens walked out from the hall, erin and michelle excitedly hugged eachother as they met outside the corridor. the group had began to walk down the long corridor to the trotters sign up sheet.
"so what is all this about?" kayleigh asked the girls, james humming in agreement behind her.
"basically the euro trotters is an annual trip out of derry into a random place in europe. none of us have been ever." erin explained to the two teens.
"this might just be our year. i mean paris, that's fucking amazing." michelle said loudly.
"there is so much i wanna do, the champs-elysees, the arc de triomphe, the louvre," clare began daydreaming as she listed off all her dream places.
"a french fella, that's what i want to do. nation of rides." michelle said earning a loud snort from kayleigh.
"doll, don't provoke her." erin said sternly causing kayleigh to put a hand over her mouth in attempt to stop laughing.
"my fanny is literally going funny just thinking about it." michelle squealed grabbing kayleigh's arm. erin face screwed in disgust.
"ugh could you not use that word michelle!" she said.
"what fanny?" michelle said teasingly, saying it right in erin's ear.
"why do you always have to be so coarse." clare said jumping on to back up her friend. kayleigh couldn't help but watch the argument unfold. if only she had some popcorn.
"oh what's the big deal, we all have one." michelle groaned.
"i don't." james butted in.
"you are one." michelle clapped back at him. kayleigh linked arms with michelle as they walked down the hallway, erin and clare were still talking about paris which, right now, didn't interest the two girls.

"it would be good conversation practice, y'know, for the orals." james said, the rest of the girls just waited for michelle's witty response.
"which will be the only oral-" "okay michelle." james cut her off.
"will you let me finish." michelle said with a wide grin.
"well i sensed where you were going." james said surprisingly shutting michelle up. she leaned close to kayleigh.
"blowjobs." she said loudly right into kayleigh's ear which caused her to burst out laughing. michelle lightly punched james on the shoulder. james looked at kayleigh, his eyes were glimmering and mouth turned down, into a small frown. kayleigh mouthed a 'sorry' to him which he didn't seem to accept.

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