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The sound of grass crunched beneath their feet as Hadassah led the way to her parent's inn. They were still a ways away from town. This time would give her a chance to get to know who this new visitor was, and what far off country she was from. Hadassah had never left Eden, and she had only learned of other countries from the fishermen and ship captains. Her parents had lived all their lives never stepping foot off of the island, why leave when all you need is right here? So any information she could learn she would absorb like a sponge.

"I'm Lilith by the way," she said, giving Hadassah a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Hadassah," Hadassah said, returning her smile.

A strange look crossed Lilith's face at the mention of her name but it quickly disappeared

"So," Hadassah said, "Where are you traveling from?"

"Blania," she said, "My father and I were just sailing by when our ship captain told us about this festival, so we decided to stay for the week to see what it was all about."

Blania was an eastern country with no current affiliations to either side of the war, much like Eden. Hadassah had heard from some sailors that Blania was a mountainous country with riches beyond that of a small island like Eden. It was home to several noblemen.

"Have you heard the story behind the Blue Moon Festival?" Hadassah asked.

"Only bits and pieces from my captain," Lilith said sheepishly.

"I'll give you the full story then," Hadassah said with a grin.

Hadassah told Lilith the story her mother had told her over a thousand times as a child. She told her how her ancestors were chased out of their homes during the Great War. Once they were in their boats fleeing their home country a storm threw them off of their original path. The storm destroyed many of their boats. When they thought it was the end, the high priest's daughter sacrificed herself to the gods. She hoped that by making the greatest sacrifice one could make, the gods would spare her people. The storm cleared and a blue moon shined brightly in the night sky. They were said to have heard the spirit of the island calling out to them, leading the way to safety. They named the island Eden, in honor of the brave woman who sacrificed herself for her people.

"Wow," Lilith said, "And this festival has been happening for two hundred years? That's amazing. I wish we had rich traditions back home."

"The festival is a big part of our history and traditions." Hadassah said, "Part of how we keep our traditions is by limiting outside influences. This is really the only time we let outsiders stay on the island if they aren't fishermen or travelers. That's why I'm glad my family runs an inn, I get to learn more about the world. My dream is to one day travel the world and learn everything I can."

Lilith chuckled lightly. Hadassah blushed, maybe her dreams were too childish like her parents said.

"That's a very pure dream," Lilith said smiling, "If you're ever in Blania I'd be more than happy to give you a tour."

Hadassah found herself smiling back at her. No one had ever supported her dream to travel the world. Her family only wanted her to marry someone with influence then settle down somewhere in Eden. Why leave when all you need is here after all. But her parents' sudden change of tune with the arranged marriage to someone from another country made her wonder. She found herself becoming upset at the memory of her argument with her father. Luckily the sound of people in the marketplace distracted her.

"This is incredible," Lilith said breathlessly.

The market was now fully running for the Festival. Vendors' shops were decorated beautifully with moon decorations that sparkled a light blue hue under the afternoon sun. The smell of delicate baked goods and spices wafted through her nostrils.

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