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A/N: These are the swimsuits that the girls wore. Peace out! :))
Hazel G. Point of View
"Both Hazels, come over here! Chloe found something!" exclaimed Anna, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Aww man! I just surfed my first 4-foot wave!" mumbled Hazel, glowering with humor at Anna.
It was spring break at our boarding school, so we decided to come to the nearest beach to relax. We rented a hotel room here, with permission from our science a.k.a favorite teacher, Miss Paige. I was teaching Hazel how to surf today, so this better be good! I yanked Hazel up from her "special resting spot" and dragged her to where Anna was watching, marveled at what Chloe was holding in her perfectly tanned palm.
"What is it?" I asked. Obviously, it was a seashell- a pretty big one, with scalloped lines curving around an oddly shaped disc-, but when Chloe held it up to the sun, it reflected all of the colors in the spectrum- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet- and an extra color that wasn't in the spectrum- pink. Weird.....
"Please tell me it's pretty, please be pretty..." exclaimed Hazel, her hand covered over her eyes. She had a bedazzled notebook filled with bizarre and erratic superstitions of all kinds of things. Black cats on Friday the 13th, wear green on St. Patrick's day unless you want a pinch from a leprechaun, etc., etc. Hazel has a few that she made up, too, including this one, which was to never look at something different in the eye until you use your other senses to test it. She's being lazy now, so she's just asking us about it.
"Um, yeah, it's...really pretty, Hazel," Chloe said absentmindedly. I thought the look on her shimmering green eyes would have excitement in them, but they had something I would never guess- fear.
"Chloe, you okay?" I asked, worrying about one of my best friends. By the way, she was totally rocking her cherry red two-piece! Chloe was a tanned dirty-blonde, but you wouldn't even assume she was the tiniest bit dumb. She has never gotten below a 98 on her report card, whereas my lowest is a 94. All four of us are very smart, but Chloe is basically off-the-charts smart.
"Of course! Actually, I'm not that okay, no wait, I'm super scared!"
"Why would you- well, would ya look at that! It's a magical seashell! I may have something about this in my notebook," Hazel stated once she got a good look at the seashell.
"What are you going to call it?" Hazel asked Chloe inquiringly.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it's a very special object, and you are obviously captivated by it, like how most people are with puppies. So, you should give it a name, you know, to signify that it's yours." Hazel replied confidently.
"Hmmm.....I think I'll call it a spinktrum, since it has the colors of the spectrum, plus pink. What do you think, gu-"
"I can't even think straight without freaking out about the shell!" Anna blurted out, slightly shivering. She pulled her knees up or her chest, burying half her head in it.
I bent down so that I was facing her. "Anna, what are you so scared about?" I pressed gently.
"Did you get a good look at it, G?" She asked me, sitting up straighter now. "G" was my nickname, since my last name, Ghardellia, was very hard to pronounce.
"Yeah, why?"
"You saw the pink tint on it, right? People would kill to get a hand on this guy. Its precious beauty is very dangerous, if you ask me. Chloe, I think you should leave it here." Anna suddenly got up and walked towards the shore and dug her manicured toes in the soft sand. Anna had soft, brown hair and electric blue eyes that could send a chill down your spine if she glared at you. Anna is a very special girl, mainly because she was born on February 29th, the Leap Year Day, so she "is dead for four years at a time." I half-agree with Hazel about this superstition, because the year she was born wasn't a leap year. No one knows how this is possible...Anyways, she was perfectly suiting a light cyan two-piece, with the top being very breezy and cut into vertical lines. Anna's also one of the most loyal friends I have ever had.
"Ya know what, G? Let's call the surfing off, I'm gonna go talk to Anna," Hazel said, brushing the sand off her knees and heading towards Anna, sass clearly evident in her stroll. Hazel was basically modeling her bright orange bikini, its top twinning the front of a neon purse. She snook up to Anna and lightly splashed the water on her back. Anna abruptly jumped up and splashed a heavier amount of water at Hazel, and an intense water fight suddenly happened between the two. I laughed, and then I turned to Chloe, who was turning the spinktrum in her hands, looking at it with a slight look of fear.
"Huh? Oh, s-sorry G, it's just, well...do you think that there's a possible c-chance that Anna c-could be right?" She asked me, fear evident in her voice. Chloe was the most sensitive out of all of us, and I think it's because she overthinks too much. But other than that, she is totally an awesome best friend!
"Chloe, don't worry, you know that we are all standing beside you. We will risk our lives for you, we always will," I replied back, giving her shoulders a reassuring squeeze. To be honest, I was a little scared. Anna is very wise. What if she's right? What if the spinktrum puts Chloe in danger? Or even all of us? No, No, Hazel, don't think about that. Be positive; it is what Chloe needs right now. I internally took a deep breath and looked out as Hazel and Anna went farther into the ocean. Hopefully they won't get lost...oh well. Suddenly, my stomach growled, and I looked at my waterproof, light-pink slap watch with a bedazzled rim around the clock (I saved up my semester money that my parents gave me if I get straight A's). 11:45. Yay, my favorite time of the day!
"Hey Chloe, I'm gonna go get us some food from the concession stand. I'll guess what the idiots want, but anything you want, specifically?" I asked her.
Her face lit up at the mention of food (doesn't everyone's?).
"Yea! Can you get me a full-toppings cheeseburger with cheese fries, ooh, and a chocolate milkshake for dessert? Mama B starved me to death making me eat all that healthy food this week," she laughed, patting her belly. She shivered slightly. "I'm kinda cold, so I'm gonna go tan myself for a bit, kay?" she added.
I shrugged. She nodded and ran off to where she could get some sunlight or whatever, I guess. Now time for the food!

Chloe P.O.V
I ran off to the driest place I could find, but it wasn't exactly near our place. I leaned back and enjoyed the loneliness, looking at the clouds and looking at the shapes they make. I giggled as I saw one that looked like a dragon breathing fire on a giant bird, and when the clouds moved, it looked like Mr. Bird was getting revenge on Mr. Dragon. I saw Hazel and Anna dancing with each other in the ocean, and I looked to my far left and saw G heading towards the concession stand. Maybe Anna was for once wrong; maybe there was nothing to worry about.

Suddenly, a dark shadow loomed over me, and I sat up, removing my sunglasses and sliding them on top of my head. I really didn't want to have some fat lady covering my sunlight.
"Excuse me, but you're kinda in the way," I snapped in a sassy-like matter and turned around. But there was no fat lady. There were three buff men wearing long black coats and ski masks, even though it was 90 degrees. My sassy mood suddenly turned fearful, and the middle guy smirked and yanked my arm away. I screamed as loud as I could, but the man on the right punched me hard in the face, and I blacked out.

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