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Hazel G. P.O.V
I reached the concession stand, and a buy who looked about fourteen was whistling whist wiping the counters. He looked up when he sensed my presence, a bright smile on his tanned face. His name tag read Daniel. He had the hair color like Chloe's, except straighter, shorter, and probably softer. He had bright blue eyes that seemed as if they could light his way through darkness. Wait a second, I'm supposed to be ordering, observing this gorgeous boy!
"Hi, and welcome to the Sugar and Spice Shak! May I take your order?" asked me.
"Uh, yeah. Can I have two full-topping cheeseburgers and cheese fries, four milkshakes, and two plates of fish and chips?" I said. Daniel looked up at me in the middle of writing the orders down and smiled. I blushed and focused on the chimes outside of the stand.
"So, what's your name?" Daniel asked after he gave the order to the cook.
"No, your full name," he added, grinning. I think I knew where this was going...
"Hazel Grace Ghardellia..."
"Nice to meet you, Hazel Grace! My name is Augustus Waters," Daniel stated, pulling a superhero face on and puffing his chest out.
"Oh my gosh, you watched/read The Fault In Our Stars?! Most boys think it's girly, and I love those kind of boys who don't really care about that stuff," I squealed. Realizing what I said, my cheeks turned a light shade of red.
Daniel smiled brightly, and we stared at each other for a while. I was literally staring deeper and deeper into his beautiful blue eyes, and he was practically soul-searching through my green ones.
"Order up!" We were interrupted by the cook in the back. Daniel awkwardly scratched his neck, then abruptly stood up and gave me the food. After I paid, he printed out the receipt and quickly wrote down something on it. Probably something like, "Have a nice day!" or "Enjoy your food!", I don't really know. I'm no different than any other customer so it's probably nothing special.
"Au revoir!" Daniel told me as I waved happily.
I headed to our umbrella area, where Hazel and Anna were drying off and chatting away. I wonder where Chloe is....Oh well, she must be in the bathroom.
"Bon appetit!" I said as I carefully placed the tray on the tables. Anna and Hazel squealed and shouted "FOOD!" I laughed and sat down, sipping my milkshake.
"Hey, I saw you chatting with a boy at the kiosk, who is he?" asked Hazel as she stuffed fries in her mouth.
I blushed and looked down at my fish. "Urm well, he's just a, um, just a boy," I said as casually as the butterflies in my stomach would let me.
"Oh Hazel, can't you see? They were obviously hitting on each other!" Anna exclaimed, pulling the receipt from under her plate of fish and chips.
"$3 for spoiled cheese fries?! What kind of- OMG HAZEL GRACE GHARDELLIA. HE. GAVE. YOU. HIS. NUMBER!!" Hazel exclaimed while reading the receipt.
"Wait, seriously? Yayyy- I mean, that's pretty cool. Actually what the heck, this is AWESOME!!" I squealed, and the three of us started to jump around. Just then, a police siren was heard, and we all turned to the area it was. It seemed to be headed to the area Chloe was in. Wait a second-
"Anna, didn't you just use the restroom?" I asked nervously.
"Yeah, why?"
I gulped. "Was Chloe in there?"
"Yeah, in fact I haven't seen her since the seashell fiasco. Where did she go?" Hazel stated, looking around.
I pointed to where I last saw her. Their eyes got huge. We quickly ran to the police cars, where a big police man had just finished putting that yellow tape around three pairs of giant footprints, which led to a fluffy white towel with the letter "C" sewed into it in a bright green color.
"That's Chloe's towel!" We all shouted! The police man turned around and saw us. He started walking towards us, and Hazel slightly backed away.
"Do any of you happen to know Chloe Hamilton?" He asked us in a deep voice, which was surprisingly gentle, especially for a man as large as him.
We all nodded.
"I'm sorry to say this girls, but Chloe has been kidnapped." He shook his head, going back to the tape.
We just stood there, our faces pale. All of our recent happiness about Daniel vanished. Our Chloe Hamilton? How? Why? She was our best friend? I would never think this would happen to any of us...
We all jogged back to our spot, our eyes getting misty. I saw a tear slip down Hazel's eye and rolled down her cheek.
Once we got there, we just sat. No phone calls, no tears, nothing. Except when Hazel knocked over Anna's milkshake and screamed, but that was nothing compared to the deadly silence going on right then. I was thinking about how innocent Chloe is. What could she possibly do to get kidnapped? Or maybe, what does she have that they want?
Anna was the first to break the silence. Her face was even paler, and her expression was a mix between shock, fear, and wisdom (as usual), as if even she was surprised to be right about something.
She turned to us, licking her lips. Her eyes went wide and she said, "You don't think it would be-"
That's when it clicked. "The seashell," I whispered, and I gasped.

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