A Shady Octopus?

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[LOCATION: Hall of Mirrors]

JACK: This is... the Hall of Mirrors for each dorm?

HEARTSLABYUL STUDENT: I definitely thought I'd make it to the top 50...!
SAVANACLAW STUDENT: Damn it, I let myself be tricked by that lying octopus bastard!
SCARABIA STUDENT: This ruins my glorious student life!!

JACK: What's going on? There are so many students with anemones on their heads! I thought it was only those three idiots.
Chernette: A lot of these guys appear to be 1st years. There are a few 2nd and 3rd years here too.

Jack: It looks like they're all gathered in front of the Octavinelle Dorm mirror. They're all saying something about being cheated out of the test rankings.
Chernette: Do you think this 'octopus' has something to do with this, whoever he is?

JACK: Maybe. I heard there's one person of that dorm that fits that description. Leona-sempai said not to trust him.....Let's go check it out, too.

[LOCATION: Octavinelle Dorm]

"A dorm underwater? That's a new one." Chernette said.

"To think there'd be a dorm underwater! Night Raven College is amazing!" Jack said in amazement before recollecting himself.
"(clears throat) This is temporary, but we'll be entering another dorm. You better watch yourself, got it?" He said. Chernette nodded, but contained a giggle at Jack's demenor.

[LOCATION: Mostro Lounge]

"How many people do you think are here, Jack?" The female student asked the wolf as they entered a place that looked like a ritzy speakeasy mixed with underwater scenery.

"100... No, maybe near 200... And what's this place? It looks like a shop..."
" 'Mostro Lounge?' Hey, where's Ace and the other two?" Chernette looked around, but then she spotted some one with a fedora along with the twins that she encountered weeks ago. 'Hey, those are the Leech twins! I remember. They're in the same dorm as the one with the glasses.'

"Oh, if it isn't the unfortunate students who couldn't make it to the Top 50.
Welcome to Mostro Lounge.
I know that you all are already familiar with me, but let me introduce myself once again. I am Azul Ashengrotto.
I am Octavinelle Dorm's Prefect as well as Mostro Lounge's manager. And now...
Starting today, I will be your Master." The individual said with a smile that reminded Chernette of how a mafia boss acted.

JACK: (whispering) What did he say?

"Obviously, the 'Three Musketeers' did something stupid this was the outcome." Chernette whispered back. "And so did everyone else with an anemone here."

AZUL: You lost a bet against me.
And according to our contract, you all will be working under me as my servants until the day you graduate.
ACE: Wait right there! This is a scam, y'know!
AZUL: If I remember correctly, you are Ace Trappola, a 1st year. What a rude accusation.
I believe that I gave you the perfect test notes just like I promised in our contract.
Judging by that, you should have scored more than 90 points.
ACE: Yeah, I did score 92 points!
AZUL: What wonderful news! I'm happy to have been of help to you.
ACE: But I didn't know that you'd be giving those notes to all these guys!
DEUCE: I second Ace's argument.
Even if we received the notes, there's no way all of us could place in the top 50!
GRIM: If everyone got more than 90 points, getting 85 points and below makes no difference, yanno!

AZUL: Are you boys aware of the term "duty of confidentiality"?
"I want to get a high score with no effort." "I don't want to fail." "I want to laze around until the day of the tests." and etc...

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