Male opperata x cuvry mermaid reader ( resquest)

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You are watching you best friend Antonio practice his news song for you, while you sit in a bench in his hangout watching him sing. You were mermaid but you could still walk on land when you every got into water you would get your tell, but you were not in water you had legs.

Antonio " so what do you things sugar"

Y/n " oh I love it Antonio you songs are always the best"

Antonio " thank you allow if my father should think the same"

Y/n " oh come on Antonio you know your father loves your music"

Antonio " sure but he is the phantom of the opera he has been popular since, the dawn of time and now I'm trying mu beys to be the best like him"

Y/n " well I will always be you number one fan"

Antonio " thanks sugar you have always been by number one girl"

???? " what going on here"

Y/n " oh hey Johnny" you soon were surprised when Johnny spirt floated flew the walls, and soon stood right next to Antonio.

Antonio " oh hey you are finally here for practice on time"

Y/n " oh well I will be leaving you boys to your practice session, have fun boys" you soon walked out of room leave the two ghost boys alone, to practice their new song that either on of them want to tell you about anyways.

Lunch time

Claws " there you are y/n we finally found you"

Y/n " what going on"

Freddy " just something special"

Logan " you are going to love it just come with us" the guys soon dragged you over to make shift stage and place you right in front of the whole thing.

Y/n " what going on"

Freddy " you will see"

Deuce " okay every ghoul and mansters give a welcome hand to my pal Antonio and his new song being performed, for us today"

Y/n " ......"

Antonio " this song is for a special ghoul named y/n she means the world of me and I hope she will expect mu feels as well" soon Antonio started playing his song and you really love it and enjoy listening to your whole song, and when the performances come to end you went to go find Antonio.

Antonio " so how did you like the song"

Y/n " I love it Antonio and I also love you"

Antonio " they good to hear mu sugar ghoul" Antonio soon kisses you on the lips making you smile and soon enough, the two of you become a couple and one of the many popular couple at school.

Male monster high x reader (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now