Chapter 21

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As time dragged on and school krept closer I started spending more time with the twins and less time out playing baseball at the Sandlot. I suppose it was bound to happen eventually and now was a good a time as ever, especially since Dr. Quill had insisted I couldn't play all the time any more.

The boys weren't too happy about that, especially Benny. They would come to the house on days I didn't show, and complain to me on the days I did. It was almost like they didn't realize that I couldn't always go.

Only Quinn seemed to understand, who would always giggle and elbow me at the mention of Aelius.

"Well are you coming today? You've only been there two days this week Eliza!" Benny half yelled, exasperated.

"Benny I already said that I would," I said, plopping down into a chair, managing to almost drop the  toast on my plate, "You really need to chill about all this. It's not my fault they don't want me overworking myself."

He sighed "It's just- it feels weird not having you there. Like something in the universe is out of place."

"Nothing is out of place man," I took a bite of the toast, "I'm just not there all the time, you'll live."

A little while later we started down to the sandlot, Smalls and Ham joining us on the way.

"About time you showed up!" Bertrum yelled as we got there.
"Yeah yeah, we've been waiting forever!" Yeah-Yeah called.

"Well we're here now, chill out." Benny fired back.

Everyone shuffled out of the dugout and headed out to their usual spots on the field. I stifled a yawn and slipped my glove on as I jogged over to my place at third.

"Let's play ball!" Ham yelled.

The day passed quickly, as it always does during a game.

It wasn't until I heard a call of, "Just go you idiot!" That I realized we weren't the only people there.

As Smalls threw the ball back to DeNunez someone came running out onto the field, it took me a moment to realize it was Aelius.

"Elizabeth! I- uh- um- w- yo-" He started to stutter.

Millie rolled her eyes in the dugout, "Spit it out genius, she can't understand you."

"I- I re-re-really-" He continued to sputter for a moment- it was quiet funny, seeing this boy who looks like a literally Apollo stuttering over his words nervously- until Millie came forward and grabbed his arm, "Okay dumbass,settle down."

Everyone still stood around confused, watching as Millie whispered something to Aelius, who nodded and took a deep breath before approaching me.

"I really, really like you Lizabeth, I- uh- will you go to the fair with me tomorrow?"

Breathlessly I nodded, "Yes."

Grinning he swept me up into his arms, despite my own happiness and the cheering from the boys it was hard not to notice the look on Benny's face.

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