|Part Eight|

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The next day I stayed in my room, curled up in my bed with one of Sinbad's books. I didn't have anything better to do. I didn't need to train like the others did, and even if they weren't training I don't think they'd want to see me right now. So, knowing all of that, I cocooned myself in the silk linens of my bed and snuggled down into the plush cushions.

That was until a light knock sounded at my door.

"Miss (Y/N)?" Rupal's voice spoke up from the other side.


"It's almost mid day. I was sent to make sure you were alright."

Heat rushed to my face and I smacked my forehead with my book. "I'm fine. I'm just reading."

"May I come in?"

"I guess," I said, peaking over the top of my book to watch her enter the room.

Rupal walked over to stand near the edge of my bed. A soft smile pulled on her lips.

"Are you here to make me get up?"

Rupal didn't speak. She only stared at me with her perfectly happy expression. That was answer enough.

"Ugh," I groaned. "Why do I have to get up? It's not like there is anything important for me to do around here."

Rupal walked over to the bath in the corner of the room and turned on the faucets. "King Sinbad has arranged for Miss Pisti to take you and Miss Morgiana on an outing through town."

"Why?" I asked, watching as she poured oils and fresh rose petals into the bath water.

"His majesty would like you to choose a wardrobe for your stay. The shops in town have a lovely selection to choose from."

"I can't do that!" I cried out. "I can't afford any of that, and I don't want Sinbad- I mean the king- to buy things for me."

Rupal tore away the soft sheets and forced me out of bed and over to the fake wall that divided the bath from the rest of the room. For a maid, she was very pushy.

"The king insists. It's his welcoming gift to you."

"His gifts just keep coming," I groaned.

Rupal stood just out of view as I undressed, but as I went to get into the bath, I hesitated.

If I took one more step, I wouldn't be blocked by the fake wall anymore. Which meant that Rupal would see the scars on my back. Her seeing my exposed body didn't bother me in the slightest, many villagers had seen that sight, but I was trying to hide my past while in the palace. I didn't need a maid spreading the word that King Sinbad's guest was a former slave with whipping scars.

I backed up as far away from Rupal as I could.

"Miss (Y/N), your bath will get cold if you don't get in soon."

I said nothing.

Rupal sighed. "If it's about the scars, I saw them the night of the feast. How else would I have known to bring you a shawl so quickly? I won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about."

I slowly peaked my head around the side of the fake wall, locking eyes with Rupal. "You won't say a word?"

"I'll take it to my grave."

A sigh escaped me and I hugged my arms close to my chest as I stepped towards the tub. If felt good to not have to hide from someone. For them to see everything I was without fear of judgment.

Actually, I couldn't really say that. Rupal may not be the type to hang my dirty laundry out for others to see, but she was beginning to show me a side of her I didn't expect. She could very well be judging me this second.

I lowered my body into the hot water and let the aroma of rose and lavender fill my senses.

If I were ever to live in a palace with bathtubs like these, I'd have one every morning and every night.

"Wash up, Miss (Y/N). I still have to find something to dress you in before you go," Rupal said, waving a towel at me.

"I think we've grossed a line, Rupal. If you're comfortable enough to nag at me, then you should be fine to just call me (Y/N)." I said, hanging my head over the back of the tub to stare at her.

Her happy expression that was plastered on her face slowly melted away, and to my surprise a sassy arched brow took its place.

"If we've crossed that line, then I'm going to assume it's okay for me to tell you to hurry up. I don't want to be the maid who falls behind schedule because they couldn't get a guest ready for an outing."

I stared at her, wide eyed and jaw slack before a genuine laugh escaped my lips.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked.

I stood from the bath and took the towel in her hand. "I just didn't expect you to be so. . . blunt and aggressive. You seemed so sweet the last few days."

"It's my job to be nice to you," she said blankly. "Now dry off while I get your clothes."

I did as she said, wrapping the soft towel around my body before stepping down on to the woven mat in front of the tub.

I stayed put, drying off my body as best I could until Rupal returned with a stack of clothing in her hands.

"These are some of the clothing we have put away for Miss Morgiana. I'm sure they'll fit."

Rupal held her hand out for my towel, and once I gave it to her I quickly dressed myself.

The clothes were tighter than I liked. A white tunic with flowing, white sleeves hugged my upper body while the black pants were neatly cuffed just above my ankles. I still tied my rope around my hips, and even though Rupal gave me a disapproving stare, she said nothing.

Once I was finally ready, Rupal lead me downstairs and through the courtyard to the palace gates. Morgiana and Pisti —who I met briefly yesterday— were already waiting for me.

"Sorry for being late," I apologized.

"That's okay!" Pisti said, giving me a kind smile. "We still have lots of time to go shopping! Sin told me not to bring you two back until you've both picked out enough clothes for your stay."

At least she seemed enthusiastic, because I couldn't say the same for myself. I never had the chance to buy anything for myself ever, and the mere thought made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Let's go!" Pisti cheered.

I looked at Morgiana with a hesitant smile, but she simply turned away and started heading for town.

Even if I didn't enjoy shopping today, I was determined to at least apologize to her and fix our friendship. It made my stomach feel knotted knowing she was upset with me.

Taking a deep breath, I followed behind the other two girls.


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