Author's Note
This puppy is the closest look alike I could find to the Shenyll (that's the breed) puppies. Remember their fur looks like satin, and some have ears that stand up. This puppy looks vaguely similar to Ezra's puppy, Ambie, but Ambie is more of a gold with the pearl points. Hope you guys enjoy! :)
Kippa-Luna Rinache (Pronunciation: Ri - nuush)
Before my fingers touch the doorknob the white-washed double doors fly open. A gentle smile vacates my mother's lips in greeting.
"I hear you've come to take a peak at our babies."
My dad comes up behind her, pecking her on the cheek.
"More kids! It's news to me," dad teases winking at us cheekily.
"Aww, you," Mum turns on her heel wacking Dad affectionately, the honey curls I share with her bouncing as she strides off.
As we walk past Dad, I stick my finger in my mouth and pretend to gag, while my friends try to supress giggles, failing dramatically. I know my Dad saw me when I feel him ping one of the curls in my bob. To him it's a sign of love.
Ezra soon notices the satiny chocolate fluff ball sitting behind Dad.
"Louie! Who's a cute boy now, Louie Booie. Yes, yes . . ." She takes the dogs face in her hands, peppering it with kisses. He gives her a long slippery kiss across the cheek in response.
Dad pats Ezra on the shoulder, "Sorry I'm afraid you can't marry him."
My best friend gives him a playful scowl as we all snicker.
Mum rolls her eyes and continues walking.
"Come on, Ez, Louie will still be here when you come back." Tugging her brunette braid, I follow mum.
As Luana and Ezra follow us, I hear Ez whisper to Luana, "By the way they act, you'd think I actually want to marry him or something."
"I dunno, Ez, you're not fooling anyone." I can practically hear Luana smirk.
As we make our way up the stairs a high pitched yapping reaches my ears. I can't wait to see the girls reaction.
I step into a large airy room, fresh, salty air seeping through the open windows. The floor, the walls, the high ceiling, the whole house is white-washed. A single rug covers the expanse of the floor, woven with bright materials. Leafy green pot plants huddle in each corner.
And bounding around the place are 5 puppies. An older dog of a light amber colour, lies on the rug, staring at us with the tired eyes of a mother.
Mum swoops over to Amber, cooing while she strokes her wavy fur.
Ezra squeals, collapsing to her knee's in front of a curious blonde puppy. Her rounded ears stand up, flopping at the end. Like all of the puppies, her prancing paws are disproportionate to her body, too big, mittens of satin.
Luana scans the room, studying each puppy with the intensity of a hawk to prey. She then strides over to a wine coloured puppy, hiding behind to plants.
Its an Illusion
Science FictionOn the sunny shores of Tiffin Bay, "paradise" is on the lips of every citizen. Those who arrived when this holiday place of new beginnings was announced now have no memory outside of the cacoon of rolling hills. Until one day, encouraged by the cour...