A Night To Remember

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"Kiss me." Taylor said smiling goofily, eyes closed. Ready.

Karlie leaned in to plant a peck on her cheek. "That's nice, but," Taylor wrapped Karlie in a warm hug burying her face into Karlie's scarfed chest, and continued "I want a real kiss. On the lips. " She stated confidently looking up.

"Are you insane?" Karlie shrieked beyond shocked by her best friend's request "Come on don't get all paranoid. It's just a kiss." The singer simply responded. "Taylor ,honey-"

"What is the big deal, Karlie? I mean you kiss all your other friends what's so different about me?!" By now the model eyes almost bugged out of their sockets. "First of all keep it down! I can't believe this is coming from you,Tay..." Karlie looked around and continued. "We're in the middle of times square, I-I don't feel comfortable." She finished stepping away slightly and burying her hands in her pockets, a nervous habit she's picked up on, growing up.

"Really? Cause last time I checked you were pretty okay kissing Cara in front of a crowd." Taylor said bitterly and Karlie couldn't believe what she was hearing nor what she was requested to do. "Why is it so important for me to kiss you right now?" Karlie asked, finally looking up and locking eyes with blue orbs. "Because...-you know this is getting really dumb by the second. I don't know why I asked. Let's just forget about it." Taylor brushed it off and started walking.

I took Karlie a second before she started to catch up to her. "I'm sorry. I just really don't feel-"

"You know what," Taylor took a breath and continued. Making up her mind she said,"Last time I was here was in the new year and I remember how very..alone, I felt- away from you-"She paused,"From my family, and friends and I didn't get my new year's kiss, my first time's square kiss, I might add." She trailed off and looked at the wet concrete. "That's why I wanted you to kiss me here. Right where I thought of it back then." She took a deep breath and waited for Karlie to respond only realizing that she sounded really weird and forward and so not friendly.

"I didn't mean it like-gosh Karlie I just-I feel safe with you, I feel at ease and I know-shit everything sounds so wrong right now-what I meant is that- I love you and I want to share that special moment with you, and no one else- wow it does sound really not like-screw this. It means exactly what it means. I-"

she didn't get to finish because Karlie grabbed her by the neck and gently brought their lips to a heart warming kiss. Taking Taylor's bottom lip between her own, biting down gently as she pulled away only to do the same thing to the singer's upper lip.

Taylor was breath taken to say the least. She felt her heart burst in colors, felt them go through her veins, felt Karlie all over and under her skin. They pulled away to catch their breaths, foreheads against each other's, noses brushing and eyes still closed. "You think this'll die out," Taylor whispered into the model's mouth who stole another kiss.

"What will die out?" Karlie asked clueless of her surroundings for all she could hear was the pounding of her heart and Taylor's sweet voice.

"You do realize that there's a huge crowd around us who watched the whole thing, don't you?" Taylor giggled into Karlie's neck as the model brought her even closer, "I'm aware of it yes." She smiled cheekily and locked Taylor in her gaze and said,"But I really don't care, I know that this," she leaned down until their lips were brushing as she spoke,"Will not die out." Taylor whimpered at the perfect scenery of the whole thing. She could die right now for all she cares. She's content. Safe in the model's strong arms.

"I love you," she whispered caressing the model's cheeks with her thumbs, catching a snowflake that landed on Karlie's lips with her own. "I adore the fuck out of you." Karlie growls adorably into the singers ear as they shared an embrace. "So how was it? Was I the perfect first kisser?" Karlie asked proudly, slinging her arm around Taylor's neck and started walking through the overwhelming crowd with not a care in the world. She knew the answer already.

"I don't know, you'll have to tone down the biting a little," she said poking Karlie's nose playfully. The model laughed softly before saying "What can I do? You're sweet as a cookie, and I'm a cookie monster." Said cookie monster smiled down at Taylor hugely, endearingly so that Taylor had to kiss her again.

"I'm all yours."

The End.

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