The Final Chapter

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Broken Reality

Song: The Night We Met by Lord Huron


Gemma stares into Clay's eyes sighing deeply, "I'm just glad Jaxon wasn't here tonight to hear all of this. "

"I think I heard enough," Jaxon suddenly emerges from around the corner with a deep scowl present on his face.

"And I want to know what the fuck does Chloe and you have to do with all of this,"

There was a definite silence between the three individuals as they stood in the living room with one wanting answers.

Gemma stared as if she had seen a ghost realizing and wondering how much Jaxon had listened in on their conversation. She is responsive but her hearing is slowly fading as a way to try desperately to make up any type of lie.

At this point, it didn't matter on lying because now she was backed in a corner.

"Honey," Clay's raspy voice calls out to her.

Gemma comes back to her senses looking back and forth between her husband and son, trying desperately to say a word.

"Jax," She steps away from Clay's hold on her. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming tonight since it's late,"

"Why would you think that?" Jaxon's tone gave off sarcasm as he looks around before settling his eyes on Gemma. "I followed you,"

"What?" Gemma becomes startled. "Why would you follow me?"

He smirks before his jaw went slack, "Because I knew you were lying the entire time." He enters the living room entirely. "As a matter of fact, I've been following you all day. I know you've met up with Linda...twice. I had Liam followed you one day and then I followed you today, "


"I know you met up with Chloe today. I was following you the entire time,"

Gemma could understand that Jaxon's concern about her well-being but she didn't like the fact she was being followed against her will. One being by her own son and two, by her nephew, Liam.

"Shit," Gemma's eyes close on cue, taking a breather realizing what she was hearing at this very moment. "Jax, I..."

"Didn't expect that, did you?"

"Jaxon now is not the time for you to be here," Gemma warns as a way to get home and speak with Chloe. "Just go on home and we'll talk later,"

Jaxon shakes his head as he fully enters the living room, "No, I have enough time," He looks over his shoulder. "How about we all just take a seat, shall we?"

Gemma wants to reject but she takes a seat along with Clay on her side, "Jaxon, it's late and..."

"No," Jaxon shakes his head. "I've come at the right time to know there is some shit that is being kept from me and I want to start with you,"

"Jax," The elder man warned him, seeing how angry his stepson was becoming.


There was an intense staredown between the two stubborn men as Gemma stood in the middle trying to calm them both down. The fact she was stuck in a hard place now that Jaxon was there waiting for an explanation.

"Clay..." She turns her attention towards him. "Jaxon...the both of you sit down right now. Please,"

Jaxon didn't say a word but listened to his mother's command as both he and Clay took their seats, opposite of another. Gemma follows along to sit next to her husband while feeling the burning gaze of Jaxon penetrating her temple.

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