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[Max backstory]

The last day of camp, the day no one came for me. David called and called but no one picked up. I knew this was bound to happen, and yet I didn't care.

Eventually CPS had to be called, they couldnt find my parents so I was placed into adoptive homes, only thing I had of my past life being a teddy bear. David wanted to take me as his own, but sadly adopting a child isn't easy, and I had to leave, never to return, or to see my friends again.

Of course, no one wanted me. I knew I'd either never be adopted and will be kicked out by the age of 18, or I'll be adopted by parents who was in it for the money. At least that's what I thought at the time, but maybe I was being rash. Either way I ended up running away, raised by the street, by myself. Stealing, getting any job I can, selling my body. Didn't matter to me, I only cared about myself and did anything to get by.

Until that fateful day, I was just walking back to my home when I saw a very frail dude getting mugged from across the street. "Should I ignore it?" I wondered, knowing I had a chance of being rewarded. I walked across the empty street, to the sidewalk. Immediately the man doing the mugging got defensive as I walked up to them. "The hell you looking at? Mind your business slut!" He said snarling. "I see you know about me huh?" I chuckled. "Why don't cha' move along and leave me be huh? Or unless you want be just like this dude, right under my feet."

Pissed off, I obviously kicked him directly in the balls. He immediately fell to the ground and started cussing at me. Before he could stand I immediately grabbed the man who was on the ground hand, rushing him to get up so we could run. He raised his head and stared at me, mouth agape, about to speak before I ran, not wanting to fight and just get whatever award id receive for saving him.

We eventually came to a stop in front of a public place with lots of people, I knew the mugger wouldn't come here in case of police being called. "Honestly you could've ran while I was speaking to him ya know?" "I-... I could've...". I chuckled a little as I can tell he was embarrassed. He then clasped my hands, startling me, and with a face as red as a tomato he said, "As-as a thanks w-would you mind... Having dinner with me?" I felt a smile go across my face, before saying "Sure" I deserved it didn't I?

Aaaaaaa thanks for reading, this is my first time actually writing something so it may be bad. Not sure when I'm going to post the next chapter but please be patient with me, If anyone reads this that is-


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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