15. Can't stop this feeling

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Can't stop this feeling
Chapter 15:

"Why am I doing this again?" Woody grumbles as he sighs and loosens his black bowtie and cranks up the air conditioning. Since Alec and Jerry accused us of breaking the promise we made of flying solo to the dance, we had to pick the girls ourselves. And so I sat quietly in Woody's Mustang, trying not to fidget too much as he continues to rant.

"Well, Charlie did make a bet for with you-"

"She decides that all by herself!" he bellows, slamming the accelerator causing us to nearly fly on the road.

Well, she does make descisions by herself because she did drag Yuri and I into this mess, forcing us to come with them as a couple.

"You both should join us!" she sighs happily, holding a trophy as big as her proudly.

We stare at each other and back at her, "Us?" Yuri looks deep in thought while I bite my nails in shock. Woody glances at me with pleading eyes and mouths 'please'.


"Why not?" I stare at Yuri in surprise and she shrugs. "Anyway I don't have a date."

I study his face. Woody can clean up very nicely if he wants to, with his wild blonde hair slicked back with gel and usual shorts swapped for a dark grey checked suit. "You didn't want to?"

"I did want to! I always planned on asking her out but I always chickened out. I was supposed to ask her initially but she beat me to it. Now she knows the spineless jerk that I am!" He huffs and I blink a couple of times.

She clearly never hid her feelings for him. Was he too blind to not notice? Or did nothing go through that rock hard skull of his.

"She does like you, you know," I tell him softly and he suddenly brakes, causing me to nearly fly out through the window if not for the seat belt. "What is wrong with you!" I scream as he looks at me with his eyes popping out.

"What did you say? Did she say anything to you?" He grips my body tightly as his fingers sink hard into the blades of my shoulders like an eagle's talons

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"What did you say? Did she say anything to you?" He grips my body tightly as his fingers sink hard into the blades of my shoulders like an eagle's talons.

"It's so obvious. You were blind to not see it," I say, trying to pry his nails from my suit, hoping he didn't crease it.

He clears his throat and settles back into his seat."Well, I'll just have to man up and ask her out then," he declares, starting the car again.

We reach Charlie's house in five minutes and it takes Woody a while to muster up the courage to ring the doorbell. A small face appears through the window, peeking through the curtain.

"Charlie's boyfriend is here!" A small girl yells as the front door quickly opens and Charlie and to my surprise Yuri appear.

I quickly get out of the car to rush towards them. The last time I texted Yuri, she told me to pick her up from her house and I told her I'd call her when we started from Charlie's.

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