Chapter 2 - New Girl.

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Hii *smiles shyly*

Here's another chapter but in a different Point Of View.

Enjoy. <3


Chapter 2:

Ryder's POV

I wake up to the annoying blaring sound of my alarm clock. As I turn over to turn off the alarm clock, I end up hitting the damn lamp instead and knocked it over. "Shit". "Ryder what was that!" My mother yells from upstairs. I have no idea why she asks those types of questions knowing I can't answer her. I don't normally answer to anyone to be honest because well you see, I am mute. I have never really made any effort to talk to anyone since I was 5 years old from the traumatic messed up life I have and I'm never going to.

I climb out of my bed and get dress for school. My mom walks right into my room without knocking right as I'm about to take off my pajama pants, which I normally just sleep in. "Ryder what was that noise I heard?" She asked. I stay stoic and say nothing. I know what you're thinking, "Why is she asking me questions if I can't speak, right?" Well it's not that I don't communicate at all; I just don't like communicating with my parents especially. I know that's a terrible thing to say but to be honest I don't even consider then my parents more like people that I share the same blood with. I haven't made one sign, a noise, a burp, or even any kind of movement directed towards them in over 2 years and I'm not going to. I'm sure you're trying to figure out how old I am if I was 5 years old when I stopped speaking, it was 10 years ago so I am now 15, turning 16 in a couple of months in January. My childhood was one that no child should have ever gone through, but I'll get more into that subject later, it's a very dark subject for me that I don't like talking about, plus too early in the morning.

My mom just stands there staring at me, waiting for me to reply. "Ryder I know you hear me, why don't you answer me?" She asks. I just stare at her blankly; she frustratedly sighs and stomps out of my room while slamming my door. I continue to get ready and dress in dark wash blue jeans and a fitting black V-neck that looks pretty good on me and my black leather jacket to finish off my look. I have shaggy pitch dark black hair which is slightly fading since it's dyed, I'm a natural blonde but I can't stand it. Full slightly pink colored lip that my best friend, Rikki, says," Makes all the girls go crazy." and a lean muscular frame (Thanks to years of playing football and working out). The most weirdest thing about me would have to be my eyes though, they're a light grey color that drastically stand out and turn a smokey color whenever I get angry or upset.

When I'm finished getting ready I noticed I was going to be late for school, and not really caring at all, I grabbed my stuff and slowly made my way out the door. "I hate Monday's," I think to myself bitterly, not knowing this Monday might change my life.

As I walk into the school the halls were completely empty, so students were probably in their classes already. Without even bothering to rush I slowly make my way to my first class of the day, math, which is my most dreaded class of the day.

When I make it to the classroom I swing open the door just to piss off the teacher, Mr. Vega, an old grumpy man that's in his mid-fifties and that hates it when people interrupt him when he's in the middle of teaching a lesson. My eyes immediately fall onto the most beautiful girl I have ever seen sitting in the back next to my usual seat. My eyes don't leave her for a second and all I'm thinking is," I want her," from the look on her blushing face she's completely innocent that she's even oblivious to the many stares she is getting from mostly all of the guys in the class. I growl lowly in my throat. "Nice of you to join us today Mr. Winters," Mr. Vega says snapping me out of my trance. I turn my eyes away from the mystery girl I've never seen before and just stare at him without answering.

"Go sit in your seat." He says aggravatedly as he turns to finish his lesson without even bothering to give me a detention slip. I calmly walk to the back of the class not taking my eyes away from the girl, she was wearing a sexy black and red dress with bright red four inch high heels but her hair was the thing that made me notice her, it was her long dyed brownish-red hair that traveled down her back perfectly stopping right above her waist.

The whole time I watched her she became flushed and I pretty shade of pink washed over her cheeks. She kept closing her thighs together tightly and squirming around in her seat under my gaze. "She's turned on by me," I think to myself. I smirk slightly at the thought of her laying in my bed, flushed red and horny, waiting for me to- Stop it! I don't even know this girl's name and I'm already having dirty thoughts about her.

I took out my notebook and did the best thing I do, I drew. Mainly I draw the first thing that comes to mind and without even realizing it or paying attention, my drawing started off as lines then the outline of a person, then the next thing I knew I was casting little glances at the girl next to me and drawing her perfect features.

Almost through the whole class I look down and realized I drew an exact portrait of her sitting in the desk looking forward but with angel wings sticking out. The bell sounded letting the students know the period was over and everyone quickly exited the classroom. Before I was able to get out of my seat, the girl practically tried to run out the door. I trailed right behind her and as soon as she turned around, we locked eyes. With that, she walked quickly out the door slightly blushing red with a small smile on her face.

As I watch her leave down the crowded hallway, I smile and think to myself," I have to know her name."


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