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Gloxinia had been sitting in Drole's lap for around an hour, and it took a moment, but Drole eventually heard soft snoring coming from under him. Drole looked down at the sleeping faerie with a small smile. He lightly stroked the faerie's face and leaned down and pressed his lips against the faerie's forehead. He leaned back into the soft grass, continuing to caress the faerie's cheek. Drole could smell the faerie even from where he was. He smelled of ginger, but with a hint of mint and floral scent as well. It's not a feminine smell, but more of a comforting one.

Everyone sleeps, and that includes giants, and it wasn't long before Drole had fallen asleep too.

The Faerie awoke with a start, tears streaming down his face, his pointed ears tilted down, and his wings slacked sadly. "Gerheade..." he whispered, wiping his eyes. He sat up and looked around him, quickly noticing he fallen asleep on Drole. He wasn't bothered by it, as it had become a normal thing. He got up off of Drole and sat next to him, hugging his knees to his chest.

He tucked his face into his knees, the salty water flowing down his face. He folded his wings around himself, almost like a cocoon. In his nightmare his sister, Gerheade, had died; but for real this time, not survive by a sliver. He whimpered and cried, sniffled and sobbed, even though he knew Gerheade was okay. He was in the Faerie Kings Forest, he could feel her aura; Gloxinia knew she was fine, but that didn't stop the tears from falling.

Gloxinia must've fallen asleep again, but this time, the dream was worse. He had to watch Drole be slaughtered in cold blood, and couldn't do anything.

He cried out and tried to get to his partner, but he couldn't move from where he was. And this time he had woken up yelling, sobbing his heart out. "No!! Please!" He cried as he woke up once more, his tears silently falling.

Drole must've awoken either when he had yelled the numerous times in his nightmare, or when Gloxinia yelled after he awoke from the nightmare, but Gloxinia couldn't tell. But he did know that a pair of arms snaked around his chest and pulled him closer to their chest. Gloxinia stiffened, as he didn't know who it was, but when he realized Drole had woken up, and that he was the one who had pulled him out of his ball, he relaxed.

Drole slowly turned the shorter male around until the faerie was facing him. Gloxinia tightly wrapped his arms around Drole's body and later wrapped his legs around Drole's waist. He buried his head in Drole's shoulder, sobbing. Drole rubbed the faerie's bareback, massaging it at certain places, and avoiding touching his wings.

The warm florally scent of ginger and mint filled the air around the giant and faerie, calming most creatures in the area. "Gloxinia, can I ask what is wrong?" Drole asked once the faerie calmed down.

He continued to gently rub the faerie's back, his other hands wrapped around Gloxinia's waist. The faerie nodded, "Ni-nigh-nightma-re" Gloxinia said, his voice cracking as he spoke. He had to repeat the word several times to get the pronunciation right, as he kept sniffing and hiccuping as he spoke.

Gloxinia gripped onto Drole tighter, "Gerheade had died... Then... Th-" His sentence was cut off as the faerie broke into a full sob again. "Go ahead. It's alright. I'm here." Drole said, kissing Gloxinia's cheek. "Yo-yo-you-" the faerie tried to speak through his sobs, but failed, so Drole responded with, "You do not have to say it if you do not wish to." But was cut off by the faerie being able to form a sentence describing what happened.

"You died! I had to watch--you be murdered in col-cold blood! And I couldn't do anything!" The faerie cried, lifting his head and placing it on Drole's shoulder now. Drole ran his other set of hands through the other's long burgundy pink locks. He pressed his head against Gloxinias. "It's gonna be okay. I'm fine, Gerheade's fine, and you are okay. Alright? I'll be here just like I have always been." Drole said softly, but Gloxinia didn't seem to hear.

He looked up at Drole, "But--" though before he could ask his question, Drole used one of his hands to gently hold Gloxinia's chin and then pressed his lips against Gloxinia's, closing his eyes in the process. Gloxinia closed his eyes and kissed back, his mind freed of its chains of fear. His wings fluttered up, then went slack again. They stayed like that for a moment before separating, Drole smiling sweetly at the other. The kiss wasn't anything special, it was just to get Gloxinia to calm the hell down.

Gloxinia rested his head on Drole's shoulder once more. "How about we go home?" Drole asked, to which Gloxinia nodded. He latched tightly onto Drole when he picked him up, he hadn't expected it at all. Gloxinia's nails were a little longer than they normally were, and when he was picked up, he held tightly onto Drole, his nails probably digging into his skin. "Ouch. Gloxinia, calm down. I have got you. Don't worry." Gloxinia loosened his grip, and said, "Sorry. Startled me.." He said, placing his head on Drole's shoulder. He let his wings go slack, so Drole could see where he was walking.

Drole brought the faerie back to the Sacred Tree and sat down at its base with Gloxinia in his lap. Gloxinia went back to sleep, this time being welcomed by happier dreams.

(953 words)

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