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Laksh- why he purchased on behalf of them
Lawyer- how would I know sir
Dp- do fix appointment with him
Lawyer- do u know for whom u are ordering sm is not any durga prasad maheshwari
Lucky- give us address we will go and meet
Lawyer- I have only contact no.
Adarsh- give it to me…….
adarsh dail the no. Phone near swara start ringing all look toward swara…..adarsh cut the call swara phone also stops ringing adarsh again dailed the no. Swara’s phone started ringing ……..swara attend the phone
Swara- hello Mr maheshwari
Adarsh phone falls down all see swara shockingly accept uttra
Ap- sparsh
Uttra- sparsh malhotra in short sm….now dad u came to know about his worth na
Dp- u…u…ar……aree…..the sm
Ap- why didnt u tell before
Swara- aunty everything has its time to reveal
All men goes to their room while going swara holds parineeta hand stops her
Swara salute her
Swara- u are strong girl who suffered every minute for her family safety ,sacrificed your happiness
Pari- they sacrificed their happiness desire for my upbringing ….how can I be so selfish to hurt them
Swara- so vanish your worry ur parents where safe..I have sent them to Dubai …..I made every arrangement they won’t face any difficulty in starting their new life……this their new no. U can contact them by this
Pari bend and hold swara’s feet swara make pari stand
Pari-  (teary eye ,folding hand) ….you are god who came to bring lite in my life
Swara- (unfold her hand)…..pari sisters place are not in sis….i mean brother’s its on their heart..……pari wipes your tears I don’t like it in you’re eyes
Pari- (cries with smile)….bhai
Swara- don’t forget I am with u now u decide what you want next in every decision I am with you
Its all was seen by uttra
Uttra- I am lucky to have a friend like her
In parish room
As pari enters the room adarsh hold her hand and twist it….pari screen in pain
Adarsh- by getting this house don’t fly in air….don’t forget ur parents where in my custody
Pari-ahhh leave my hand u pig
Adarsh leaves her hand and turn her towards him and hold her chin
Adarsh- hey if u abuse me I will sell your sister
That’s enough for pari ….pari push adarsh and slap him hard and take hunter and start beating him with it adarsh try to take it but fails so for rescue he go out of room but pari follows him and beat in this process he falls from stairs pari comes down and see him and remember his torcher  pari starts beat him again because of falling adarsh couldn’t able to get up….he starts to screem in pain blood is flowing from marks but pari didn’t show any mercy
BG music

Yah devi sarwa bhuteshu shakti rupen samskrita…….
All comes out hearing his scream and shocks to see the scenario
Pari- u will sell my sister for that you should be alive na
Dp- what are u doing leave my son
Pari roar as tigress
Pari- (by showing her index figure)heyyyyy not today I will forget u are mummy ji’s so called husband
Pari is beating him sanlakrag try to stop her but fails so ap holds pari’s feet
Ap- pari plz leave him I know he is at fault but being his mother I can’t see him like this I beg u
Pari stops through the hunter and falls on her feet and cry …swara comes and hugs her ……pari cry by holding swara’s hand  while sanlak taking adarsh to his room
Pari- don’t u both dare to take that bustard to my room….I will burn him alive their
Dp- who are u to stop him
Pari-49% owner of his house
Dp comes toward swara raise hand to slap her. But stops by hearing pari
Pari- Mr durga prasad maheshwari if you dare to touch my brother in second I give orders to break my share in this house
dp goes later they call doctor
In morning
All were having breakfast
Police comes
Lucky- officer
Police- we are here to arrest Mrs parineeta
Uttra- for what charge
Police- attempt to murder Mr maheshwari
Rags- who has complained
Police- Mr dp
Ap- plzzz sir don’t arrest her she is innocent
Police- that I will hear it in station
As constanable has arrested pari and taking her
Swara- hey officer .……
Police- what
Swara- my lawyer want to say something
Lawyer- this are my client bail orders
Police- leave her….and goes
Swara- sasur ji ….its old technical use some new
Dp- I will not leave u ……bloody impure blood
Lucky- what dad
Dp- yes he may be richest person but don’t have anyone may be her mother used to hot someone bed from that she got money made her son richest person
Sanky- you are right dad otherwise who will became so successful in such age
Swara getting vision where one girl is injured badly lying on floor and holding another girl  to save her 2nd girl hand she is also injured some people are taking 2 girl forcefully
Swara- kick on dp’s chest …..enough

Sanlak comes to rescue
Swara- u bloody bustard u considered my parents as you….no they are not like u…its true I live like orphan….. They divorced eathother and living happily with their true soulmates….not like u to became rich who sold her sister to many guys from saving from this she committed suicide
All shocks
Dp- how do you know
Swara- I know everything about you .…how you became rich……( by saying she look toward ap..ap looks down…)
Swara- i know every dirty secret of you …..which is buried in this mm….don’t force me to dig out ur secrets
swara goes to her room followed by uttra
Uttra- are you okay,..
Swara- give me that
Uttra- swara its heavy dose you have taken it day before yesterday…. Its heavy dose it should have minimum 20days gap
Swara- (shout)….give me thats…before I became beast
Uttra-swara plz try to understand
Swara becoming restless and throughing thing
Swara- give me
Uttra- nooo
Swara through vask on mirror things toward uttra…..shout holding her head
Uttra- control yourself
Swara is becaming more restless
Swara- uttra go from here before I loss control
She hold uttra and through her on floor
Uttra get slite injury on head….while all comes toward uttra’s room by hearing sound
Sanskar- uttu open the door……hey sparsh don’t dare to touch my sister
Laksh- I will pull out your skin from your body
Swara- goo
Uttra-i have to make her calm but how…think……
Uttra- yeah
Uttra takes out a locket and open it so it starts playing
Voice- chotu chotu don’t be angry its not good to be angry on small things
By hearing it smara became normal and falls on knee ..uttra make her lie on bed ….open the door and comes out
Sanskar- ur forhead is bleeding it means that creep beated u
Lucky- I will kill him how dare he
Sanskar- look your Jamai sa
Uttra- bhai he didn’t touched me ..he is taking his anger on himself …..I was trying to free him in that process I hitted with wall
Pari- did he get hurt….I will apply medicine
Uttra- no Bhabhi ….if he need help I am their for him……all go i am fine…
In morning
Ragini room
Ragini is shouting on kids because they given her name for children mother competition which would be held after annual exam
Ragini- how dare u both give my name without my permission
Arav- mom our teacher forced to do so
Anjali- we loved to sing
Ragini- but I don’t
Arav- mom u don’t do anything u just stand with us
Ragini- firstly I am not your mom……u inauspicious children when u step into our life my life became hell I lost my husband everything
Anjali- we will bring him back mom
Ragini- it will happen only when u both go away from our life
Arav – where should we go
Ragini- go somewhere and die
Both children goes cryingly
In evening swara goes out for a walk to keep her brain cool while returning she see two kids going toward sea
Swara- how cute yrrr……swara chal beta ghar chal
Swara turn to go but stop and see children goes in depth
Swara-oh shit….
swara run and stops the children she shocks to see araav and anjali
Swara slaps both
Swara- are u out of mind what are u going to do.….did you thought about your family
Araav- if we die dad will come back to mom……she will get all happiness
Anjali- for her happiness we can do everything
Swara- (teary eye )who told u all this

Araav tell everything..swara get angry but control herself
Swara- you know on whom we get angry
Anjali- whom
Swara- on whom we love
Both children bends and hold swara’ s feet
Anjali-uncle u solved the problem of everyone na
Aarav- plz unite our parents
Swara bend on her knee and hugs both kids
Swara- I will

Swara Ki Nautanki  (Season -4)(completed Story)Where stories live. Discover now