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Paolo's POV
I look Y/n up and down.
I've always liked her but never really talked to her.
In some ways I was looking forward to her being my tutor. I've always been known to be a little too confident, but I knew she liked me it was kind of a rumor that she did.
I sat down and looked at the front of the class.

Y/n's POV
Eventually class ended.
Everybody was leaving when the teacher told me and Paolo to stay.
Mia looked at me and said"good luck." She walked out of class to her second period.
I walked up to Mrs.Wels and Paolo walked behind me.
"Y/n thank you for volunteering to tutor Paolo." "I didn't volunteer." I said back.
"Well your doing it correct?"
I looked down and played with my fingers. She explained what we needed to work on and dismissed us. As you walk out of class Paolo walks past you and says "This should be fun." "Were just studying!",you yell back.

Skip To After School
After school you decide to go and look for Paolo and Mia.
You find Mia and give her your keys and tell her to start the car.
You find Paolo and he's talking to a group of friends.His friends see you and point to notify him that your there.
He turns and looks at you he waved to his friends saying bye.
"I know you have a car I was just coming to tell you my address."
"Ok." He says he'll follow you.
You guys walk to the parking lot together and you turn to him and say "Oh and I have to drop a friend off but my mom should be home if not here are my keys,
just when you get there don't do anything dumb."
He laughed and said "I won't."
You turn away and walked to your car.
You hop in and put on your favorite playlist.
"Sooo he's gonna follow you?" Mia says. "No he's gonna head over to my house and I'm gonna drop you off." "I know you like him", Soo my job is to tutor him not seduce him.", "Hmm well If you get pregnant I call God mom", I'm not gonna get pregnant...your so annoying!!"
Mia burst out in laughter.
You drop her off and headed home.
Turns out your mom's not home so it'll just be you and Paolo.
You walk In and see him siting on the couch. He looks at you and says "I didn't do anything dumb!!"
"Good boy." He looks at you and smirks."I'm going to go upstairs and change but I'll be right back and we can get to it.""I'll be here" he says.
You go upstairs and change into grey sweatpants,a pair of fluffy socks,a sweat shirt and you put your hair up.
He looks at you coming downstairs and says "comfortable?" "Yeah" you laugh.
"Should we get started!" "Yeah sure".
You guys finished the homework and just talk about random stuff.
You guys realize that you have a lot in common. Hey you guys are talking about favorite music he puts his hand on your thigh and you gasp. "Oh sorry" he says."No it's fine I guess I'm just a little jumpy." "Are you nervous?" " No" you say even though you were sweating bullets. He puts his hand on your face and says "don't be mamas". He leans in and you say " I think you should go...since we're done". He pulls back and say "oh ok yeah that's fine, should we exchange numbers so I can call you...for tutoring?" " Yeah ok".
You give him your phone and he gives you his so you two can exchange numbers. He says bye, hands you your key to your house, says he'll see you at school tomorrow and leaves.

End of Chapter 2
hope you guys enjoyed I enjoyed writing it for you of course.right after this one I'm going to go ahead and write the third chapter because I know you guys are anxious or at least I'm anxious to write it for you. 🤣🤣

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