Chapter 10: the Deal

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Nothing to report on this chapter other than, enjoy it.

Back at Chima's front door, Lavertus and his army, along with Fahlga and her army, fought together against Marmoo and his army. "Why, hello Scorpion." Lavertus said as he waved his hand to Marmoo. Marmoo looked at the Lion, "YOU FOOL. DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" Marmoo shouted at Lavertus. "Pfft, of course I know who you are. Or do I?" Lavertus joked as he did a stance facing Marmoo. Marmoo yelled as he charged towards Lavertus, but he dodged Marmoo's attack and was standing behind him. Marmoo turned to look at him, "IS THIS SOME KIND OF GAME TO YOU?" Marmoo shouted as he swung his tail, trying to hit Lavertus. Lavertus dodged his tail and looked at Marmoo, "Why, yes it is. Or is it?" Lavertus joked again, only to get punched by Marmoo. "Your games are over lion." Marmoo said as he was about to use his tail-blade to stab Lavertus. As Marmoo was about to lower his tail, it was caught by Fahlga, using her night-casting magic to hold the tail long enough for Lavertus to escape. Lavertus and Fahlga stood side by side against Marmoo. "ALL OF YOU WILL FALL!" Marmoo shouted as he charged towards Lavertus and Fahlga.

Back with Darel and Stinger's group, they kept on marching and on top of a hill, they saw Chima. "Chima is so beautiful." Darel commented. "I agree." Stinger added. "LOOK!" Razar yelled. Everyone looked and saw a battle. "Looks like Fahlga is holding the line, for now." Darel said to himself. "C'mon, let's stop Marmoo once and for all!" Darel said to his and Stinger's group. Everyone cheered, but stopped when they heard Cragger yelling, "LOOK!" Cragger yelled and everyone looked what Cragger was seeing and they saw an Eagle flying. "It's Eris!" Cragger said with a smile. Darel thought she was too for away to be hear them, so he took his dagger and used the sun's light to reflect it with his dagger into Eris's eyes.

Back with Timothy and his friends, Lucy was leading the way while Timothy and Laval followed from behind. Eris was flying over them when something was shining in her eyes. She looked where the light was coming from and found the source, it was coming from Darel and Stinger's group. When Eris saw them, she was happy and landed in front of her friends. "What is it Eris?" Lucy asked. Eris looked at them with a smile on her face, "Darel and Stinger's group is close by!" Eris revealed. Timothy, Lucy, and Laval were happy when they heard Eris say that. "Tell us, where is their group?" Laval said. "Just over that hill." Eris replied. Timothy looked at the hill with a smile, "Then let's go." Timothy said as he ran up the hill, until he can see the group. Timothy also saw Chima, and the battle still going on. As Timothy looked at the battle. he was starting to doubt if he can really kill Marmoo.

Lucy ran up the hill until she was right next to Timothy. Lucy saw Timothy looking at the battle with a doubtful look on his face. "Don't worry Timothy, you got this." Lucy encouraged Timothy, but he wasn't sure. "Are you sure Lucy, because if I fail then... " Timothy was about to say, but he was cut off when Lucy placed her finger on his lips. "Don't even think like that Timothy, because I know that you're not going to fail. You know why?" Lucy said and asked. Timothy shook his head meaning, "No." "Because you can do anything you put your mind to. We all know you got this and we all need you, I need you." Lucy said as she released Timothy's lips and gave him a hug. Timothy hugged back, knowing he was not going to be alone. "Thanks Lucy." Timothy said as he broke the hug, "Now, let's go meet up with Darel." Timothy said with a smile. "Right behind you." Lucy said smiling back as they went to Darel and Stinger's group.

Back with Darel and Stinger's group, they greeted Timothy, Lucy, Laval, and Eris. Timothy walked up to Darel with a smile, "Hey Darel." Timothy said. Darel smiled back at Timothy, "Hey Timothy, I'm sorry we left without you." Darel apologized. "It's alright Darel, I understand why you had to leave without us." Timothy said with a chuckle. Laval and Eris walked up to Cragger and hugged each other, "I'm glad you guys made it." Cragger said still hugging his Lion and Eagle friends. "We're alright Cragger." Laval said with a chuckle as he and Eris broke the hug. As everyone was done greeting each other, they started marching again heading to the battle.

Back at Chima's front door, the battle was still going on and Marmoo knocked out Fahlga and was looking at Lavertus. "Do you feel like want to draw, because I will let you live if you do." Marmoo said with an evil chuckle. "You know what, I do feel like I want to draw." Lavertus said as he pulled out his blaster and started shooting Marmoo. Marmoo walked foward, ignoring getting shot and picked up Lavertus and threw him on the ground. "Now, where was I? Ahh, yes." Marmoo said as he picked up his tail-blade, about to stab Lavertus. He was about to finish him, but Marmoo heard a horn being blown from behind him. Marmoo turned and saw reinforcements from Nova Australis. "NOOOOOO!" Marmoo yelled at the top of his lungs. Lavertus ran to Fahlga and got her out of Marmoo's sight-line.

Darel and Stinger's group formed a line and Timothy came out of that line to talk to Marmoo from a far distance. "GIVE UP MARMOO, YOU ARE OUTNUMBERED." Timothy shouted for Marmoo to hear him. "MAYBE, BUT I AM ALL POWERFUL. I CAN EASILY WIPE YOU AND YOUR ALLIES OF THE FACE OF THE PLANET!" Marmoo replied, shouting for Timothy to here. "WILLING TO BET YOUR LIFE ON IT?" Timothy asked, shouting. "YOU LOOK LIKE A REASONABLE CHILD SO I'LL TELL YOU WHAT. I CHALLANGE YOU TO A DUEL, A FIGHT TO THE DEATH. IF I WIN, MY ARMY AND I WILL TAKE OVER ANY LAND WE WISH." Marmoo said, shouting. "AND IF I WIN?" Timothy asked, shouting. "IF YOU WIN, which you wont, MY ARMY WILL RETREAT BACK INTO THE DESERT, NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN." Marmoo replied, shouting. Timothy looked at his friends, then at Lucy, who had a worried look on her face, then he looked back at Marmoo, "I'LL NEED TO THINK ABOUT IT." Timothy said, shouting. Marmoo didn't have all day so he looked back at Timothy, "FIVE MINUTES." Marmoo shouted then walked back to his group as Timothy walked back to his friends.

Four minutes went by and Timothy and his friends were still talking. "There is no way you're taking this duel." Laval said in a stern voice. "But Laval, think about it, if Timothy wins, Marmoo will be dead and we'll live in peace again." Darel said backing up Timothy. Eris glared at Darel, "Darel, we just found Timothy, we are not losing him again." Eris said backing up Laval. Timothy didn't like his friends fighting each other so he looked at them. "STOP!" Timothy said raising his voice so they can hear him. "Darel is right. Nothing is more important then killing Marmoo." Timothy said as he made up his mind. Laval walked up to Timothy and hugged him, "Be careful, brother." Laval said as a tear dropped from his eye. Timothy hugged back then broke the hug, "I will." Timothy replied as he looked at his friends. "I couldn't ask for better friends." Timothy said as a tear dropped from his eye.

Lucy walked up to Timothy and wiped the tear away then hugged him. "I love you." Lucy whispered into Timothy's ear. "I love you too." Timothy whispered back as he broke the hug and kissed her on the forehead then smiled at her. Lucy smiled back as she walked back to where she was standing. Timothy turned and stared at Marmoo at a distance. Marmoo stood up as he saw Timothy looking at him. "I ACCEPT YOUR DUEL!" Timothy shouted for Marmoo to hear. Marmoo grinned evilly and looked at Timothy, "IF YOU INSIST." Marmoo shouted for Timothy to hear. Marmoo and Timothy head back to their camps ready for the fight of their lives.

Next time on the Golden Guardian: Timothy finds himself in a duel against Marmoo for the future of Chima and Nova Australis. Will the Energy Sword help Timothy in the duel? Will Timothy win the duel, or will Marmoo win the duel? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian.

I hope you guys are enjoying this story, because it's almost at an end, but don't worry there will be a sequel, stay tuned.

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