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flashback to six years ago

dad: honey when i die I want you to look after your brothers and I want you to move to New jersey and start there.

young y/n: Ok Daddy 

Dad: good night princess

flashback over

I was snapped out of my thoughts from my brothers Alex and Rudy 

Alex: Y/N are you ok you were zoned out 

Y/N: yh im fine sry what were you guys saying 

Rudy: n e wayz we were thinking of moving to new jersey

Y/N: ok thats fine but my friends are coming 

Rudy: alr  lets look for a house 

we found a house for all of us

(skip to when they move bc im lazy and dont feel like writing it)

After we all moved in me and my friends went to walmart we were goofing around when we saw 6 boys staring at us i recognised two of them and told my friends

Y/N: yo dont two of those boys look familiar

Haley: oh my gosh your right the short one and tall one look familiar 

Analiese: you guys are dumb

Y/N: why are we dumb

Analiese: thats alvaro and roshaun remember we went to middle school together in Florida 

Maycee: holy shit you right

Jazmine: lets go say hi

Y/N: what are nuts no way they probably don't remember us besides there with other people.

Analiese: hey that girl looks really familiar

Jazmine: yh she looks alot like-

Maycee: no-

Haley: it can't be 

Y/N: it is turn away she didn't see us HURRY

Haley: too late

???: y/n oh my gosh long time no see

Y/N: hi celia *fake smile*

Celia: how are you

Y/N: were good hows your boyfriend you know the one you cheated on

Celia: shhh there are boys around and my new boyfriend

Y/N: your boyfriend or boy toy

Celia: ugh whatever.

???: hey celia who are they

Celia: i was just shopping and she pushed and started calling me names 

Y/N: WHAT?!?

Haley: honey that's not true

Analiese: Boo you need some mouthwash to wash out all them lies in your mouth.

Maycee: someone get a cage cause the snake crawled out 

(dang sometimes i wish i can actually say this to her face) 

???: hey can yall shut up and be nice you don't even know her.

Y/N: aww celia you never metioned us im hurt hey roshaun and alvaro

Alvaro: who are you and how do you know our name?

it hurts- Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now