Dedicated to my bff.
I wish i could run backwards and reach for them days,
When we had lot to talk about,
And laugh at silly things.
The days we didn't care if we had things to do and just chat,
And chat.
We chatted even late at night,
Not caring the work we had the next morning,
Because we never run out of words or jokes.
I miss them days even when i know i can't have them back.
And I really don't know what happened and how
We run out of words,
Out of jokes and
Just end it at.....
Hys and hellows.
Tears run down to my cheeks
Whenever i think of this change
Because it's really hard to accept and let it go.
And sometimes i hate to remember and think about it because,
It hurts....
Our bond was so strong
And now very weak.
Believe it or not I miss what we had
every second you come to my mind.
But what can I do than just live with it. Accept, whatever
Maybe its fate or destiny
I don't really know how things changed just like that.
But I have to accept it if I call myself
Your bff.
And the fact that it is none of our fault.
Though i really miss us. :-(
By: NovaPrincexx/H.K.G
Sad yeah, but its part of life. Things do change unwillng.
JazakaAllah for reading dearies.
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Thơ cahow amazing is being human? world full of irony, the rich giving back to the rich instead of the poor. You're denied your rights when you did nothing wrong. the oppressors walking freely after snatching someone's happiness . If only you knew bein...