Chapter 1: Glitch

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(Art up there is not mine- I just found it when I googled Error x underfell Sans, turns out I'm literally the only person who ships this XD (so far...))

The room had felt empty. It was no longer filled with rage or protests, no longer echoing in the sounds of screams and cries for mercy. No other sound but silence filling the air. Two golden silk cut thrones stood with grand pristine, one's beauty covered under a white sheet while the other stood tall and mighty in the center of the room.

Papyrus paced back and forth in front of the more visible chair, rubbing his jaw in anger as both the King of monsters and ex-leader of the Royal Guard had not made it to his meeting. He distinctly remembered telling them how urgent this was... In a matter of fact, the Underground had suddenly gotten quiet, dogs were not at their posts nor responding to his telegraphs, monsters had seemingly disappeared out of nowhere... Something was definitely not right in the kingdom. Something had affected all of the underground, and it has yet to happen to him as well. He could smell it. The air was clear, the only thing that could have tainted it was the ashes of red fiery torches that lit up the throne room. But as Papyrus ran his finger down the grand throne's arm, he took it back with a disgusted snarl. Dust. A disgrace, never should there be a single speck of dust left of the King's throne.

Yet, as Papyrus took a closer look at the grey spot on his finger he couldn't help but find this rather odd. Last he recalled, his latest visit with the King was only yesterday, and he had not seen a single speck of dust on the throne nor had any executions taken place or were being planned. With a short tsk he whipped his finger across his scarf and continued pacing across the room.

He couldn't ignore it any longer. In truth, he knew what was happening, he knew where the monsters of his kingdom were disappearing to. In truth, the air was everything but clear, the dust was never normal dust. In truth, when a monster dies, their body doesn't stay, rather it dissipates into dust.

Papyrus had no other choice but to take it in as it was. Something was killing everyone in the underground without mercy. Something had killed the king where he stood next to his throne. Something had ripped the pride from the royal guard and dragged it through the mud.

Something had made the air grow thicker with dust and blood, making Papyrus stop in his tracks. Something was here. He quickly turned to face the entrance of the throne room, summoning all of his magic... along with his courage.

A dark silhouette stood at the large doorway, making him hesitate, he began to recognize who it was. What was he doing here? With a short breath, Papyrus spoke. "Sans?! What in the world are you doing!? I thought I told you to stay at home you useless piece of garbage!" He whisper-yelled, both fear and anger teaming up on him. Why in King Asgore's name was his brother wandering around out here of all times!? Currently, His brother only had one half of his HP, one half of a hit point, a single slap could kill the idiot. Why did he come out here when it was obvious that death was walking its dog past their window!?

Anger taking over, Papyrus opened his mouth to yell at the other- only stopping with his jaw wide open as the figure began chuckling deeply. The laugh was layered with static as particles seemed to buzz around the silhouette of his brother. Papyrus squinted at them, was it really his brother?

And then they spoke.

"...You talk to your brother with that tone?" A bone chilling voice echoed within the throne room, static followed under each word, making Papyrus unsteady. No- this was more than unsteady. This was fear. Papyrus could only come to one conclusion, whoever was standing at the entrance of the throne room could never be his brother. And with that conclusion, he summoned two blasters beside him, aiming at the figure.

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