Part II

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A / N: Hello, everyone! It is I again, back with another chapter of BTGT. Wow, me actually updating a week after the previous chapter was released? Unheard of. Props to MacNChez (MacNChez748 if you're reading on Wattpad) and woollycat22 for actually motivating me to finish this chapter.

Anyway, welcome to Part II, and absolute MAMMOTH of a chapter, sitting at 7,100 words. This is the longest thing I've ever written BY FAR. Like literally, this is almost 3x the previous longest thing I'd ever written. Get a snack, get a blanket, and settle in for this massive chapter. Please read it carefully, because I put hours and hours of work into this. I'm really really proud of it, so I hope you enjoy it! By the way, the next chapter will probably be nowhere near as long as this one (considering that it will only have 1-2 scenes while this one has like 4-5 although like 2-3 are just Hogsmeade fun), so enjoy it while it lasts. I was also away from my laptop for like 5 days so it took hijacking my grandmother's computer and also writing on my phone (omg never again I hated that) to get this out for you all!

You may notice that I say realise instead of realize, and that's honestly cause I like the way realise looks more and also it's the British version, so maybe I could fool some people (people who don't read A / Ns I guess) into thinking I was actually British. Whoops.

By the way, for some reason, Tame Impala is the perfect band for me to listen to while writing this. I don't think it's anything with this fic specifically, but I can really just zone out and focus while listening to them (okay I technically know it's not a them cause it's just Kevin Parker and his home studio but it feels weird to not say them). I wouldn't say you should listen to them while reading this, but just check them out in general because my gods Kevin Parker is a genius.

I added the word eightfold to throw people off a bit. I find it fascinating that twofold-tenfold are all legitimate words.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything besides my Blackpink photocards. Please don't try to take them.



For the next two weeks, Lily Evans had one thing at the forefront of her mind: her trip into Hogsmeade accompanied by the Marauders. She could hardly stand the anticipation - she hadn't foreseen such excitement building in herself day by day. It was 6th year, so students in Lily's year were getting a much-needed break from their exams, being caught in-between OWL and NEWT examination years, but the professors at Hogwarts seemed to spare no time making sure they were prepared for the latter. The homework piled up over the days; it seemed that Lily would finish one essay she had worked long and hard on, and not even have time to take a breath before she started on the next. She was desperately craving an outlet of relaxation, and the only thing in the foreseeable future that would provide that was the Hogsmeade weekend.

But there was something different in the type of anticipation and even apprehension that Lily was experiencing; the only thing she could liken it to was before she went on that dreadful date with Miles McLaggen back in 4th year. That was a total nightmare. She mostly accepted to go out of the pure compassion and sympathy that coursed through Lily Evans' kind-hearted veins. But he was a terrible flirt and a worse conversation partner, so it ended up being one of the less enjoyable Hogwarts experiences she'd had, to say the least... wait, what?! This informal hangout with four boys she used to find intolerable was eliciting the same reaction from her as a first date? That didn't make any sense, she wasn't interested in any of them! They were only her friends! Peter, Sirius, Remus... James.

Her affirmation that James was just a friend was hesitant. She couldn't deny that there was something about him, something that set him apart from anyone else. When he smiled at her, it seemed as if the whole room lit up, and his laugh filled her with warmth, like butterbeer on a bitter day. Lily couldn't deny those things either, they were facts. But she pushed the thoughts aside. She was just a confused teenager with hormones all over the place, it was normal for one of your friends to make you feel that way, right?

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