Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Mew Shinpai

It's gonna be dark soon and i hope i wont be late for dinner. Mom said she'll make stew and my fave steak will be there too, gosh i need to eat.

Thinking those thoughts made me even hungrier but oh well, it's gonna be dinner soon anyways, its not bad thinking about food, in fact i wanna marry one soon then ill cook em after i drool enough but then again seeing a delicious food, it wont take a minute that I need to consume it.

I look up and yawned wearing this light blue jacket, a black t-shirt with a rock sign and jeans with normal black boots on. Its really nice to know when will my parents give me a car though so I wouldnt walk all the way home, it take more than 30 minutes, geez, im hungry i could eat a horse.

Imagining all of that halfway towards home I heard some ruckus from a side street a few meters from where im standing right now, "hahah you better just shut it and give me what i want!" a guy screamed, he sounds like a villain and yes, yes he was.

Brain: No dont do anything stupid girl

But then again im stupid and then again i like fighting so why not play around for a bit hmn?

Brain: when can you be a lady?.. sheesh

Im a woman not a girl that needs to be a lady in order to fit in this world after all, the lil' guy need some help, if you wont join in then shut it.

I smiled and my brain stopped arguing with me, walking towards them as quiet as i could i sneak a peek, there were 2 guys with a bat, other 2 with some metal tube and a guy standing sill with bruises and his head bleeding, for damn's sake that guy looks like he's only 14 or 16, boyz nowadays.. pft.. looking a bit more, i can see that the boy didnt fought back but instead stood in silence.. well .. let's get this shit done with already..

I didnt know what will happen next but im pretty sure ill be starving more than ever after this, stepping out and glared at them they stared right back. "Boys, did your asses need some fappin'?" i smiled creepily and glared at them, my fists were already formed, they stared at me and the poor guy was already at his knees.. geez Im not a Saint but im also not that merciless.

"What you doing here pretty girl?" looks like they ignored what i just said but geez hey bitch let's fight, he smiled at me and posed himself as a gangster he was, he put the edge of his ba on his top left shoulder holding it carefreely, looks like this one's the leader, though.. they look really young.

Brain: This is a bad idea woman!.

Too late my feet already moved and rushes towards them like a wild beast gotten loose from her cage, gosh this is gonna be so fun, thinking it all over again i smiled and gave a look "kiss my ass", he swinged his bat onto my facebut i caught it instead, the other guy from his left aimed on my limbs but i kicked him hardly on his chest that he went straight on the trash bin, the other two came towards me as fast as they could aiming for my head. I tightened my grip on this guy's bat and used it to shield my head, unfortunately my arm was stoked, got some bruises and it hurts.

Holding them off i didnt realize another presence on the other side of the wall, someone was sitting there at the top, though i cant quiet see 'em but still im definitely sure he's with this jerks.

I delievered my kick at one of them and a punch on the guy right in front of me, "you'll pay for this bitch!" the guy i just threw on the trash biun suddenly came rushing at me with full strength holding a bat, oh god im not gonna defence.. fuck i dont have insurance for this..

Closing my eyes, i didnt think of anything else but the money i need for my gravestone and burial.. geez the end of Lena, here it comes...

After closing my eyes i heard a big thump, like someone just fall from the sky and landed in front of me and i didnt even hear the bat striking my hed or any parts of my body, i looked up slowly opening my eyes seeing a guy, musculine man in sweater and jeans.

Wondering who he was my eyes widen, "oi oi did your mother teach you not to hit girls?, especially hot ones?" the first line were good the last one was stupid, is this guy hitting on me or somethin?.

"Who the fuck are you?!" the boy said struggling to get the bat back while he was holding it still, he's not that masculine but he has a great body, he has this blonde hair, a bit emo style and black jeans wearing rubber shoes and a sweater.

I dont know what happened but after a few moments he was frozen stiff and his eyes widen, from the view here he was shivering.

"Darn it!.. let's go!" he said running away like a pussy cat, i dont know what happened but my body's numb and tired to find out.. but wait! i might get raped if i loose my conscious!!.. they all run away and i was forcing myself to stand up holding my bruised shoulder.

"Are you alright?" he asked turning around and then as i raised my head up, i saw an angel, his emerald eyes and pinkish lips.. oh damn it's so addicting, i bit my lower lip and looked at him closely.

"I am..but this kid ain't" i turned my back pointing at the boy they were closely killing earlier, geez kids nowadays acts tough and brilliant but when their mother slaps them they become babies afraid of their mommy.

I rarely show any affection that's why my face was just like "oh this is normal", well it is in some way, i layed my knees on the ground and looks at him.

"Are you alright?" well i know he isn't but still, i wanna confirm it if he has some trauma or did his mind colapse... well i hope not.

"Im fine.. why'd you helped me.." he said in a very low voice only i could hear, he didn't sound scared though, i helped him up and let a sigh.

"Well.. who wouldn't?, and besides why'd you let them beat you to a pulp?" i smirked lookin at him but he just nodded.

"Well do i have a choice?" he looked at me and i was rendered speechless, he has a point, he'll be knock dead this bad on the ground anyways..

"Just stop interrogating him, if you continue on, he'll lose a lot of blood" i turn around and saw him tilting his head lookin at me.

I sighed and helps him walk, i called a taxi and brouht this kid to the hospitalwhile he stayed there watchin me leave, time check, 7:18 PM, late for dinner..

Brain: Told you, good thins can result bad things

Oh shut up you... T^T I want my steak!.. my frekin' delicious steak!!...

I came oout of the hospital and screamt "DARN IT MY STEAK!!!" I rather be stuck on my room forever and be fed by my mothe and father all day, my body aint reactin anyways!... my beloved steak...

Brain: Thus the day ended with Lena unable to eat her long time awaited steak.

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